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Current flyer Jean Coutu - Valid from 27.02 to 05.03 - Page nb 1

Flyer Jean Coutu 27.02.2025 - 05.03.2025

Products in this flyer

Du jeudi 27 fĂ©vrier au mercredi 5 mars 2025 From Thursday, February 27 to Wednesday, March 5, 2025 Une plante mĂ©dicinale pour une prescription cheveux ats One medicinal plant for one hair prescription 30 aS ad ‘AVEENO” Figuier r i altĂ©rant Rees y Pear Pd \ ; Peau 72H HYDRATATION bespashss pul HYDRATION pepe 4 Cheveux plus )rillanis’ \ghiaaaeen shinier hair 3 chanel z = j = em copucrest 7; Pee Lisez toujours lĂ©tiquette et suivez le mode d'emploi etn ‘Always read and follow the label. k 7 os = care products Kenvue Canada Inc. 2025 i Raviveg instantanĂ©ment vos method cheveux entre deux lavages des formules qui favorisent ' plaisirs simple et sain Instantly refresh your hair between washes EPLATIONALAMAISON N formulas for good, [AT-HOME HAIR REMOVAL CIRE DIVINE” lesp ints G l’'achat de 60S ou plus de presque tout* ! mol thep ints when you spend $60 or more on almost anything!* Jeudi, vendredi et samedi Thursday, Friday and Saturday

Latest flyers

Du jeudi 27 fĂ©vrier au mercredi 5 mars 2025 From Thursday, February 27 to Wednesday, March 5, 2025 Une plante mĂ©dicinale pour une prescription cheveux ats One medicinal plant for one hair prescription 30 aS ad ‘AVEENO” Figuier r i altĂ©rant Rees y Pear Pd \ ; Peau 72H HYDRATATION bespashss pul HYDRATION pepe 4 Cheveux plus )rillanis’ \ghiaaaeen shinier hair 3 chanel z = j = em copucrest 7; Pee Lisez toujours lĂ©tiquette et suivez le mode d'emploi etn ‘Always read and follow the label. k 7 os = care products Kenvue Canada Inc. 2025 i Raviveg instantanĂ©ment vos method cheveux entre deux lavages des formules qui favorisent ' plaisirs simple et sain Instantly refresh your hair between washes EPLATIONALAMAISON N formulas for good, [AT-HOME HAIR REMOVAL CIRE DIVINE” lesp ints G l’'achat de 60S ou plus de presque tout* ! mol thep ints when you spend $60 or more on almost anything!* Jeudi, vendredi et samedi Thursday, Friday and Saturday

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