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Current flyer Jean Coutu - Valid from 10.11 to 16.11 - Page nb 1

Flyer Jean Coutu 10.11.2022 - 16.11.2022

Products in this flyer

PNET ies f| Jean Coutu FINISH 1Seapsules By DĂ©tergents pour mete uN ©) BLISTEX ae sĂ©lectionnĂ©s. } BIO-K PLUS » | Saumes a levees J Selected EMERGEN-C cS ‘© Antiobio Pro, 15, i 4 sĂ©lectionnĂ©s "yr dishwasher Produits au choix \ y *18S /SC1Pro, 30 Selected tip baims "Sm detergents Assorted products k i NESTLE ENA | et a PREMIERE Aero | Culottes unisexes / Unisexes underwear Personnelle E * Kit Kat roduits ‘incontinence sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Rasoirs jetables Chocolat / Chocolate Selected incontinence products sĂ©lectionnĂ©s q ‘Saveurs sĂ©lectionnĂ©es - Selected flavours » 979-120 ry 3 2 Y 82 a5 uo bs 5a + cosine 0 sooeatie . | ee sect wresopee (@e| 32 BUBLY ~<a om) @ Boisson a ig = eau pĂ©tilante Sparkling water beverage 1355 ml ik le Wey tc) 3 pea lice d a ane fee i nie Selected makeup i $ BLIN | Produits de ene ‘ lectionn = seleced irae } i Ww RABAIS DE Âą = RIMMEL LONDON Produ de maqulage 99 ‘sĂ©lectionnĂ©s ch. ( Selected makeup products ECRINAL uits pour _RABAIS DE COUP D’ECLAT les ongles sĂ©lectionnĂ©s 07, Colagine / Colanen SALLY HANSEN 99 Selected nail care products Ampoules / Vials, 12x 1 mt Vern ongles Seay ae OFF Frcrategsioee Selected nal polishes a LUXE RAPIDLASH * Brum pour SĂ©rum de corps el croissance les cheveux pour les cits ly and rum for hair mist eyelash growth rue Si, 4m scintillante Shimmer mist 26m RABAIS \% 99 5104 sauy HANSEN 99 ~ Miracie Vern soles steconnĂ©s h a or Selected nal polishes fa ‘SPLAT ol Trousse de coloration locatons Hair colouring kt capilaires sĂ©lectonnĂ©es COLOR 00PS Selected hair on 00FS ‘colouring Hair bleach ee RABAIS DE ‘9 y 99 OFF be URIAGE URIAGE isage sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected facial products BR dĂ©maquillants sĂ©lectionnĂ©s ‘cosmetic pads ‘and sponges 5% ‘SOLFINE ‘Deco DĂ©colorant een ROU: ‘ Fixatif / Hairspray, 400 mi il mousse, 1 * Fanci-Ful Colorant capillaire Touch-up stick, 109 7%

Latest flyers

PNET ies f| Jean Coutu FINISH 1Seapsules By DĂ©tergents pour mete uN ©) BLISTEX ae sĂ©lectionnĂ©s. } BIO-K PLUS » | Saumes a levees J Selected EMERGEN-C cS ‘© Antiobio Pro, 15, i 4 sĂ©lectionnĂ©s "yr dishwasher Produits au choix \ y *18S /SC1Pro, 30 Selected tip baims "Sm detergents Assorted products k i NESTLE ENA | et a PREMIERE Aero | Culottes unisexes / Unisexes underwear Personnelle E * Kit Kat roduits ‘incontinence sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Rasoirs jetables Chocolat / Chocolate Selected incontinence products sĂ©lectionnĂ©s q ‘Saveurs sĂ©lectionnĂ©es - Selected flavours » 979-120 ry 3 2 Y 82 a5 uo bs 5a + cosine 0 sooeatie . | ee sect wresopee (@e| 32 BUBLY ~<a om) @ Boisson a ig = eau pĂ©tilante Sparkling water beverage 1355 ml ik le Wey tc) 3 pea lice d a ane fee i nie Selected makeup i $ BLIN | Produits de ene ‘ lectionn = seleced irae } i Ww RABAIS DE Âą = RIMMEL LONDON Produ de maqulage 99 ‘sĂ©lectionnĂ©s ch. ( Selected makeup products ECRINAL uits pour _RABAIS DE COUP D’ECLAT les ongles sĂ©lectionnĂ©s 07, Colagine / Colanen SALLY HANSEN 99 Selected nail care products Ampoules / Vials, 12x 1 mt Vern ongles Seay ae OFF Frcrategsioee Selected nal polishes a LUXE RAPIDLASH * Brum pour SĂ©rum de corps el croissance les cheveux pour les cits ly and rum for hair mist eyelash growth rue Si, 4m scintillante Shimmer mist 26m RABAIS \% 99 5104 sauy HANSEN 99 ~ Miracie Vern soles steconnĂ©s h a or Selected nal polishes fa ‘SPLAT ol Trousse de coloration locatons Hair colouring kt capilaires sĂ©lectonnĂ©es COLOR 00PS Selected hair on 00FS ‘colouring Hair bleach ee RABAIS DE ‘9 y 99 OFF be URIAGE URIAGE isage sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected facial products BR dĂ©maquillants sĂ©lectionnĂ©s ‘cosmetic pads ‘and sponges 5% ‘SOLFINE ‘Deco DĂ©colorant een ROU: ‘ Fixatif / Hairspray, 400 mi il mousse, 1 * Fanci-Ful Colorant capillaire Touch-up stick, 109 7%

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