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Current flyer Jean Coutu - Valid from 09.03 to 15.03 - Page nb 10

Flyer Jean Coutu 09.03.2023 - 15.03.2023

Products in this flyer

MARCELLE \ Soins pour le visage ou i produits de maquilage sĂ©lectonnĂ©s Selected facial care and makeup products Arachat de 2 produits With the purchase of 2 Karine Karine Joncas concentrĂ©s 15 mi, Joncas concentrated products obtenez gratuitement ie 3° 15 mi, get the 3rd one for free Avene Soins ue visage ‘Selected facial ‘care products Produits anti-chutes ‘stlectionnĂ©s Selected hair oss products. GaSe CONCENTRE 1 “| “x COLORISTA -s Met ° Couleur 1 jour | eciemis 1 dy colour a ae '* DĂ©colorant pour cheveux Hair bleach * Colorations capilates semi-permanentes Blea loront | Semi-permanent hair colouring products 1 99 | a ‘SOLFINE Natural Color * Crbme colorante pou cheveux Hair colouring cream 100 mt Trattements Treatments 200 i, 250 md MARCELLE* Produits de maquillage ou ted 1 2nd nail products e i 7 i - ORESCIENCE I 1 =? t+ PARIS a | ; Pour la peau ait stasteces, Ba] | | hay — skin —aF our les ongles sĂ©lectonnĂ©s el ) Gersowele Lngetes dĂ©maqul selects nee - Dy, —Selected make-up remover wipes A Embatiage de / Pack of 25 and make-up brushes. * Aqua * Foxy * Gender = fame RITA BAGA * Pink Kiss a * Solaire Eau de partum i Sri stlectiontes RABAIS DE 108 'achat de 50$ ou plus de cosmĂ©tiques* apiQ7\ Ee Prete) Netioyants & prot stlectionnĂ©s Selected products ashable diapers Spas areas 457433, 457434 Lingttes pow bĂ©bĂ© sĂ©lection Selectes baby wipes Fate stoners % iL G@ersonnelle Bas collants sĂ©lectionnĂ©s ted pantyhose VIRTUOZ Ecouteurs ou casques Ă©coute sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected earphones ‘and headphones HOME DP HOME EXCLUSIVES EXCLUSIVES O watts 2021 Du 9 au 15 MARS 2023 a Thursday to Sunday March 9 to 12, 2023, get 50 AIR MILESÂź Bonus Miles when you spend $50 or more on cosrrvaticn’= vrssvn milles AIR MILES” Caveat (re

Latest flyers

MARCELLE \ Soins pour le visage ou i produits de maquilage sĂ©lectonnĂ©s Selected facial care and makeup products Arachat de 2 produits With the purchase of 2 Karine Karine Joncas concentrĂ©s 15 mi, Joncas concentrated products obtenez gratuitement ie 3° 15 mi, get the 3rd one for free Avene Soins ue visage ‘Selected facial ‘care products Produits anti-chutes ‘stlectionnĂ©s Selected hair oss products. GaSe CONCENTRE 1 “| “x COLORISTA -s Met ° Couleur 1 jour | eciemis 1 dy colour a ae '* DĂ©colorant pour cheveux Hair bleach * Colorations capilates semi-permanentes Blea loront | Semi-permanent hair colouring products 1 99 | a ‘SOLFINE Natural Color * Crbme colorante pou cheveux Hair colouring cream 100 mt Trattements Treatments 200 i, 250 md MARCELLE* Produits de maquillage ou ted 1 2nd nail products e i 7 i - ORESCIENCE I 1 =? t+ PARIS a | ; Pour la peau ait stasteces, Ba] | | hay — skin —aF our les ongles sĂ©lectonnĂ©s el ) Gersowele Lngetes dĂ©maqul selects nee - Dy, —Selected make-up remover wipes A Embatiage de / Pack of 25 and make-up brushes. * Aqua * Foxy * Gender = fame RITA BAGA * Pink Kiss a * Solaire Eau de partum i Sri stlectiontes RABAIS DE 108 'achat de 50$ ou plus de cosmĂ©tiques* apiQ7\ Ee Prete) Netioyants & prot stlectionnĂ©s Selected products ashable diapers Spas areas 457433, 457434 Lingttes pow bĂ©bĂ© sĂ©lection Selectes baby wipes Fate stoners % iL G@ersonnelle Bas collants sĂ©lectionnĂ©s ted pantyhose VIRTUOZ Ecouteurs ou casques Ă©coute sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected earphones ‘and headphones HOME DP HOME EXCLUSIVES EXCLUSIVES O watts 2021 Du 9 au 15 MARS 2023 a Thursday to Sunday March 9 to 12, 2023, get 50 AIR MILESÂź Bonus Miles when you spend $50 or more on cosrrvaticn’= vrssvn milles AIR MILES” Caveat (re

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