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Current flyer Peavey Mart - Valid from 06.01 to 12.01 - Page nb 13

Flyer Peavey Mart 06.01.2023 - 12.01.2023

Products in this flyer

79 | eg is, O24 @ oe ty Sphagnum 9W LED Seed Starting Peat Moss Grow Light Mix 8.8L 8.8L Abed 4’ Grow Lamp Combo 5 combo light & reflector. Revoltionary reflector con increase lumen aveilabiliy by os much as 300%, os it redirects & spreads light Excellent for germinating Lighten up heavy & frit. A19 (1-pock) cross your plant conopy penetrating deep vegetables, flowers or herb potting mixes & Reg. 18.49 into ~ ion seeds. Also ideo or rooting Promote skong rot 3533861 fas leaf, stem & root cuttings. cor (2a 368079 Reg. 8.99 ae 3512796 323019 “Ma — —— SAVE $10 é SAVE $150 5 499 _ 9 9 9” Portable Mini Lean-To Grow House Greenhouse 8° x 4, Ideal for small scale Aiers. 27.2" x19.1" _ gardens or limited spaces such €s balconies or small courtyords Features two types of virtually. unbreakable polycarbonate glazing Reg, 1,149.99 800555267 x 62.6", Idea! for seed propagation & plant ‘growing & display. Storage bog included. Reg. 64.99 Foctory Ordered. Online Only Allow 6-8 weeks fr delivery SAVE 20% : SAVE 20%. HELLMAN YOUR Gio RY SAVE 35% Jiffy Caulking Nuts, Bolts & Wash & Sealants cat a ploted. Sold Pak = ] 0% 9 ¢ 295215, 355555 20 Gallon Tote 12 Pacl | x Blue or Grey Jiffy Pots = aa S With lid. = Rog. 159 = i RS: am = =| 4 . wv SAVE 10% oO “Discount applies to regular priced Hams only. ‘See local store for pricing. Selection varies by iin 3 sec St Tr YOUR CHOICE SAVE 15% ein SAVE 15% —— 7”? Garbage Bags 1 299 Tories) Ee Reg. 6.99-28.49 Chedda! Balls 482g or 10’ Glow in the ee Cords ond SAVE 20% iffy 3512657-58 fag 549 5 49 Tomato Starter Greenhouse Reg. 6.99 3512648 “Discount applies to regular priced items only. p ashy Non PITT Fen] 10 | Shop Online 24/7 Vance au PICK UP

Latest flyers

79 | eg is, O24 @ oe ty Sphagnum 9W LED Seed Starting Peat Moss Grow Light Mix 8.8L 8.8L Abed 4’ Grow Lamp Combo 5 combo light & reflector. Revoltionary reflector con increase lumen aveilabiliy by os much as 300%, os it redirects & spreads light Excellent for germinating Lighten up heavy & frit. A19 (1-pock) cross your plant conopy penetrating deep vegetables, flowers or herb potting mixes & Reg. 18.49 into ~ ion seeds. Also ideo or rooting Promote skong rot 3533861 fas leaf, stem & root cuttings. cor (2a 368079 Reg. 8.99 ae 3512796 323019 “Ma — —— SAVE $10 é SAVE $150 5 499 _ 9 9 9” Portable Mini Lean-To Grow House Greenhouse 8° x 4, Ideal for small scale Aiers. 27.2" x19.1" _ gardens or limited spaces such €s balconies or small courtyords Features two types of virtually. unbreakable polycarbonate glazing Reg, 1,149.99 800555267 x 62.6", Idea! for seed propagation & plant ‘growing & display. Storage bog included. Reg. 64.99 Foctory Ordered. Online Only Allow 6-8 weeks fr delivery SAVE 20% : SAVE 20%. HELLMAN YOUR Gio RY SAVE 35% Jiffy Caulking Nuts, Bolts & Wash & Sealants cat a ploted. Sold Pak = ] 0% 9 ¢ 295215, 355555 20 Gallon Tote 12 Pacl | x Blue or Grey Jiffy Pots = aa S With lid. = Rog. 159 = i RS: am = =| 4 . wv SAVE 10% oO “Discount applies to regular priced Hams only. ‘See local store for pricing. Selection varies by iin 3 sec St Tr YOUR CHOICE SAVE 15% ein SAVE 15% —— 7”? Garbage Bags 1 299 Tories) Ee Reg. 6.99-28.49 Chedda! Balls 482g or 10’ Glow in the ee Cords ond SAVE 20% iffy 3512657-58 fag 549 5 49 Tomato Starter Greenhouse Reg. 6.99 3512648 “Discount applies to regular priced items only. p ashy Non PITT Fen] 10 | Shop Online 24/7 Vance au PICK UP

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