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Current flyer Peavey Mart - Valid from 06.01 to 12.01 - Page nb 15

Flyer Peavey Mart 06.01.2023 - 12.01.2023

Products in this flyer

SAVE 40% SAVE $299 377% 599%” Portable Garage M18ℱ Cordless 6 Tool Combo Kit 12x20’ x8" Includes 1/2" Hammer Dril/ Driver, Reg. 629.99 1/4” Hex Impact Driver, 132669 SawezallÂź Reciprocating Sow, 6 „e" Circular Saw, > 4-1/2" Curolf/ Sune oy CLEARANCE Toys Assorfed brands & selection, \3 Work tight. a ai 4 ac SAVE 20% Osener SAVE $50 Electric Heaters 7 Assorted styles & = A 999 options avoilable. Reg. 27.99 - 499.99 96cc Mini Bike Easy Pull start operation, oversized low pressure fires. Recommended for riders up to 150lbs Purple & red decal pockoges included. Reg. 529.99 3520605 Limited to existing inventory. No rain checks. CLEARANCE Ci it = El = SAVESIS ‘nee SAVE 20% oF ave 30% MAES SAVE 50% SAVES10_ @ Roreus 6499 a Sse da = a 1° 8499 Mens Poly Cotton Coveralls ‘Available in black, navy, charcoal & green Sizes 34-56, 381-56 Style 76116. 70097-1064 J sizes & brands 2100 Lumen 4’ LED 15W-40 oni Linkable Shop Light Rotella T4 |. ) a Linkoble - 12 nits maximum. Motor Oil * Pe Rog, 43.49 18.9L : ae ser pete pla, 169100 Reg. 79.99 “Discount applies o regular pric diese nly Sun! applies 0 regula priced items only Limited to existing inventory. No rin checks 37%? SAVE $10 SAVE 40% SAVE $150 is 53 Double Do . S135" “ES. 699”? - po "| ekg lala Science Diet Cat Food 7kg Epon yee Assorted flavours available. pets needs Gun Safe Pork, Beef, chicken Holds up to 30 long guns Reg. 91.99-95.99 & veggie flavours 216253-54, & 10 hond guns. 20s zi0s, Peoria ! a sku Description . Reg. 849.99 208 2° 39.99 53.99 3528299 240439 30" 11499 68.99 28580736" 144.99 86.99 285808 42" 169.99 101.99 285811 48"

Latest flyers

SAVE 40% SAVE $299 377% 599%” Portable Garage M18ℱ Cordless 6 Tool Combo Kit 12x20’ x8" Includes 1/2" Hammer Dril/ Driver, Reg. 629.99 1/4” Hex Impact Driver, 132669 SawezallÂź Reciprocating Sow, 6 „e" Circular Saw, > 4-1/2" Curolf/ Sune oy CLEARANCE Toys Assorfed brands & selection, \3 Work tight. a ai 4 ac SAVE 20% Osener SAVE $50 Electric Heaters 7 Assorted styles & = A 999 options avoilable. Reg. 27.99 - 499.99 96cc Mini Bike Easy Pull start operation, oversized low pressure fires. Recommended for riders up to 150lbs Purple & red decal pockoges included. Reg. 529.99 3520605 Limited to existing inventory. No rain checks. CLEARANCE Ci it = El = SAVESIS ‘nee SAVE 20% oF ave 30% MAES SAVE 50% SAVES10_ @ Roreus 6499 a Sse da = a 1° 8499 Mens Poly Cotton Coveralls ‘Available in black, navy, charcoal & green Sizes 34-56, 381-56 Style 76116. 70097-1064 J sizes & brands 2100 Lumen 4’ LED 15W-40 oni Linkable Shop Light Rotella T4 |. ) a Linkoble - 12 nits maximum. Motor Oil * Pe Rog, 43.49 18.9L : ae ser pete pla, 169100 Reg. 79.99 “Discount applies o regular pric diese nly Sun! applies 0 regula priced items only Limited to existing inventory. No rin checks 37%? SAVE $10 SAVE 40% SAVE $150 is 53 Double Do . S135" “ES. 699”? - po "| ekg lala Science Diet Cat Food 7kg Epon yee Assorted flavours available. pets needs Gun Safe Pork, Beef, chicken Holds up to 30 long guns Reg. 91.99-95.99 & veggie flavours 216253-54, & 10 hond guns. 20s zi0s, Peoria ! a sku Description . Reg. 849.99 208 2° 39.99 53.99 3528299 240439 30" 11499 68.99 28580736" 144.99 86.99 285808 42" 169.99 101.99 285811 48"

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