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Current flyer Ample Food Market - Toronto York - Valid from 14.02 to 20.02 - Page nb 1

Flyer Ample Food Market 14.02.2025 - 20.02.2025

Products in this flyer

TORONTO YORK STORE Tel: 416-395-1693 Nestle Pure Life 100% Natural Sing Water wae Cool Ocean Impex Lean Pork BA Was:$ 4.99 $9? Ib Red Grouper Steak AETHEH\ Was:$ 18.99, Brazil Papaya In Case 3.5kg SRB VN Was:$ 28.99 Coca Cola Soda Drink Series 12x355ml DORA Was:$8:99, SH Cuttle Fish Nestle Coffee Mate Original,Value,Size.1.4kg SNES) Was:$ 12:99" Carnation Evaporated Milk JRSL 6x354ml Was:$ 12.99 ea Pampanga Sweet / Spicy Black Tiger Shrimp SEARS Pork Longaniza 300g 1851 2.63L Headless 26/30 400g Was:$ 5.99 a Was:$ 9.99 KEES Ee iss Was:$8.99 a Chicken Leg Quarter Beef Flank Steak ISIE meres Was:$ 2.99 Was:$ 15.99 J : ee, oN \ x Ss 59 $4 Ib Sea Striped Bass 8 Was:$7.99 Ib Hot House Tomato Was:$ 1.99] Clean 39 Ib Peru Kent Mango 7pes HeReTee Tropicana Orange Juice lamea? Mastro Extra Virgin rn Olive Ql, L no Was;$41 5:99 Ss aa Was:$4.99 4 99 Mutton Shoulder SADR Wes:$6.99 pape 4 USA Mini Watermelon SBM Was:$ 6.99 Extra Large Salted Pollock Fish (No Cut) po at = Roasted Pork: ‘e Cut) Roasted Borks With, Rice. —_gloaste : on aT Was:$9:99 aa! SOR eet “order, Atlantic Salmon Steak Cremini Mushroom wis > Was:$ 4.99, 7 Ontario Ambrosia Apple AMRVSLR Was:$ 1.99, Some items might not be illustrated, Please see store for details. All advertised specials available while quantities j- last. All rights reserved by Ample Food Market. Design and advertisement by Promobiz Solutions. www.promobiz.ca_ : -

Latest flyers

TORONTO YORK STORE Tel: 416-395-1693 Nestle Pure Life 100% Natural Sing Water wae Cool Ocean Impex Lean Pork BA Was:$ 4.99 $9? Ib Red Grouper Steak AETHEH\ Was:$ 18.99, Brazil Papaya In Case 3.5kg SRB VN Was:$ 28.99 Coca Cola Soda Drink Series 12x355ml DORA Was:$8:99, SH Cuttle Fish Nestle Coffee Mate Original,Value,Size.1.4kg SNES) Was:$ 12:99" Carnation Evaporated Milk JRSL 6x354ml Was:$ 12.99 ea Pampanga Sweet / Spicy Black Tiger Shrimp SEARS Pork Longaniza 300g 1851 2.63L Headless 26/30 400g Was:$ 5.99 a Was:$ 9.99 KEES Ee iss Was:$8.99 a Chicken Leg Quarter Beef Flank Steak ISIE meres Was:$ 2.99 Was:$ 15.99 J : ee, oN \ x Ss 59 $4 Ib Sea Striped Bass 8 Was:$7.99 Ib Hot House Tomato Was:$ 1.99] Clean 39 Ib Peru Kent Mango 7pes HeReTee Tropicana Orange Juice lamea? Mastro Extra Virgin rn Olive Ql, L no Was;$41 5:99 Ss aa Was:$4.99 4 99 Mutton Shoulder SADR Wes:$6.99 pape 4 USA Mini Watermelon SBM Was:$ 6.99 Extra Large Salted Pollock Fish (No Cut) po at = Roasted Pork: ‘e Cut) Roasted Borks With, Rice. —_gloaste : on aT Was:$9:99 aa! SOR eet “order, Atlantic Salmon Steak Cremini Mushroom wis > Was:$ 4.99, 7 Ontario Ambrosia Apple AMRVSLR Was:$ 1.99, Some items might not be illustrated, Please see store for details. All advertised specials available while quantities j- last. All rights reserved by Ample Food Market. Design and advertisement by Promobiz Solutions. www.promobiz.ca_ : -

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