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Current flyer Farm Boy - Valid from 20.02 to 26.02 - Page nb 1

Flyer Farm Boy 20.02.2025 - 26.02.2025

Products in this flyer

Quality, value, and priate Cre icra Âź esr 1981 | Cornwall, ON., Canada 2/50 Cali Fresh 7 Red Seedless oduct of Mexico Whole Chicken 6.59/kg Grapes Canada Grade A, No. 1 Grade, product of Peru product of Canada faa dy cil ge says — aii a fe y AT ee Perk ‘ be 99 LibertĂ© 3 ae Salmtes ( 1092 . fl Back Ribs 11.00/kg Greek or Fillets — cryovac pkg, MĂ©diterranĂ©e Yogurt frozen or previously \ product of Canada all varieties, 4x100 g or 500 g frozen, product of Chile J f~ ; 7 a x ws dy” Pane 999 Fresh & Fl Brandt Farm Boy” ad) Crslane “ka Smoked Black 49 Sliced Cheeses @@RN3q) all varieties, pkg of 4-6 Forest-Style Ham sped varieties 50% OF| fegular or 10-12 minis, 272-480 g sliced fresh at our Deli Counter $5.99/pkg,160 g i A, o eG a oe PEROGIES PRORTT t _ LO ~ ee EE ed # + ap ies 7 4 see Farm Boyℱ 3 / 00 a.” ae F ~ ae 33 Skipjack Tuna Farm Boy” 9 9 Farm Boy” a Chunk or Flake, Perogies Popcorn in Oil or Water, 170 g all varieties, ve all varieties, 125 g frozen, 454 g Org anic =e 2 ak ee = ‘a : Farm B ie Dempster's 9 9 Pavoni Q 9 Sparkling Water ‘a Grain Breads *_ Burnbrae Farms all varieties, 600 g Omega-3 Eggs 33 all varieties, 1L Canada Grade A, “oka jiscover select varieties, pkg of 12 (EN : AG Cay “A Farm Boy Fresh Twist” CLs ai fun, fresh-market ; L„N2EI29) shoppingexperionce!_ FRESH SPECIALS IN EFFECT a Pree a sed Oneness TWIST Thurs., February 20 to Wed., February 26, 2025. Prices valid at all Farm Bay stores. Specials subject to availability. Visit us instore for many more great specials. vi isit for store addresses and hours. Not all products available at all stores.

Quality, value, and priate Cre icra Âź esr 1981 | Cornwall, ON., Canada 2/50 Cali Fresh 7 Red Seedless oduct of Mexico Whole Chicken 6.59/kg Grapes Canada Grade A, No. 1 Grade, product of Peru product of Canada faa dy cil ge says — aii a fe y AT ee Perk ‘ be 99 LibertĂ© 3 ae Salmtes ( 1092 . fl Back Ribs 11.00/kg Greek or Fillets — cryovac pkg, MĂ©diterranĂ©e Yogurt frozen or previously \ product of Canada all varieties, 4x100 g or 500 g frozen, product of Chile J f~ ; 7 a x ws dy” Pane 999 Fresh & Fl Brandt Farm Boy” ad) Crslane “ka Smoked Black 49 Sliced Cheeses @@RN3q) all varieties, pkg of 4-6 Forest-Style Ham sped varieties 50% OF| fegular or 10-12 minis, 272-480 g sliced fresh at our Deli Counter $5.99/pkg,160 g i A, o eG a oe PEROGIES PRORTT t _ LO ~ ee EE ed # + ap ies 7 4 see Farm Boyℱ 3 / 00 a.” ae F ~ ae 33 Skipjack Tuna Farm Boy” 9 9 Farm Boy” a Chunk or Flake, Perogies Popcorn in Oil or Water, 170 g all varieties, ve all varieties, 125 g frozen, 454 g Org anic =e 2 ak ee = ‘a : Farm B ie Dempster's 9 9 Pavoni Q 9 Sparkling Water ‘a Grain Breads *_ Burnbrae Farms all varieties, 600 g Omega-3 Eggs 33 all varieties, 1L Canada Grade A, “oka jiscover select varieties, pkg of 12 (EN : AG Cay “A Farm Boy Fresh Twist” CLs ai fun, fresh-market ; L„N2EI29) shoppingexperionce!_ FRESH SPECIALS IN EFFECT a Pree a sed Oneness TWIST Thurs., February 20 to Wed., February 26, 2025. Prices valid at all Farm Bay stores. Specials subject to availability. Visit us instore for many more great specials. vi isit for store addresses and hours. Not all products available at all stores.

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