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Current flyer Jean Coutu - Halloween - Valid from 13.10 to 19.10 - Page nb 3

Flyer Jean Coutu 13.10.2022 - 19.10.2022

Products in this flyer

Tout a votre avantage! CAPRINA ’ Sri _ “Sp == LOREAL JOHN Gas jo ° PARIS FRIEDA nettoyants poet MBALLAGE DUO asa racer NEXXUS pes Men Expert Produits \ pour le corps Shaving gels Produits capilaires Colorations capilaires sĂ©lectionnes: 2x19 g ou coiffants capillaires sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected gel ‘sĂ©lectionnĂ©s ‘sĂ©lectionnĂ©es Selected body washes Selected hair care Selected hair hair care ee tee styling colouring products: ar ' products products Suh Caprina | esti Pu ay rete S \ &@ ee io { \Sa, } x a 1 , } 1 i Vel. - We ee fa pati ye \ Ble Ne ))= Bl os — YES TO SUKIN AVEENO OMBRA carmen TRESEMME Soins pour Soins pour Produits solares DĂ©odorant Fructis Shampooings le visage te visage | Aveeno sĂ©lectionnĂ©s abille Soins capilaes ‘sĂ©lectionnĂ©s sĂ©letionnĂ©s t sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected sunscreen Roll-on = ou coves Selected Selected | sukiri Selected products deodorant saectonee shampoos facial care oe facial > : 50m Selected hait 151 products care products Bee care and hair styling products | RABAIS DE IRABAIS DE %) =) ) 99 99 a = ‘ | 9) ft) PZ y OFF 7 OFF a ey) = * POND'S FREEMAN VASELINE ST. IVES LOREAL © NOXZEMA Soins pour GelĂ©e de pĂ©trole Nettoyant 3 en 1 PARIS Gascennene ie visage Petroleum ely Sin ceanser | LOREAL fd sĂ©lectionnĂ©s sĂ©lectionnes 251 mi |_| Produits coitants Selected facial Selected facial 4 sĂ©lectionnĂ©s oe Gre pon Studio | Sistecar : EST styling products ee BSG RABAIS DE 7 cE , 99; of Cotons-tiges ATTITUDE 7 y /) a (9) cston swabs DĂ©odorants =e = Âą Orr | Embalage de sĂ©lectonnĂ©s | = Le ry f Pack of 400, Selected deodorants. os BIO-OIL GOLD BOND VASELINE JR. WATKINS at po eee warns AVEENO GILLETTE lecons ae, pour le corps le comps les mains Shaving gel pores dy ‘sĂ©lectionnĂ©s sĂ©lectionnĂ©es ; sĂ©lectionnĂ©s : mmoistuizer | Selected body Selected body | (7 SR WATKING| Selected eo == a mom} care products lotions wasSteny) hand soaps denne = 200 mi, 296 ml ee a = RABAIS DE re 221 al Du 13 au 19 OCTOBRE 2022

Latest flyers

Tout a votre avantage! CAPRINA ’ Sri _ “Sp == LOREAL JOHN Gas jo ° PARIS FRIEDA nettoyants poet MBALLAGE DUO asa racer NEXXUS pes Men Expert Produits \ pour le corps Shaving gels Produits capilaires Colorations capilaires sĂ©lectionnes: 2x19 g ou coiffants capillaires sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected gel ‘sĂ©lectionnĂ©s ‘sĂ©lectionnĂ©es Selected body washes Selected hair care Selected hair hair care ee tee styling colouring products: ar ' products products Suh Caprina | esti Pu ay rete S \ &@ ee io { \Sa, } x a 1 , } 1 i Vel. - We ee fa pati ye \ Ble Ne ))= Bl os — YES TO SUKIN AVEENO OMBRA carmen TRESEMME Soins pour Soins pour Produits solares DĂ©odorant Fructis Shampooings le visage te visage | Aveeno sĂ©lectionnĂ©s abille Soins capilaes ‘sĂ©lectionnĂ©s sĂ©letionnĂ©s t sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected sunscreen Roll-on = ou coves Selected Selected | sukiri Selected products deodorant saectonee shampoos facial care oe facial > : 50m Selected hait 151 products care products Bee care and hair styling products | RABAIS DE IRABAIS DE %) =) ) 99 99 a = ‘ | 9) ft) PZ y OFF 7 OFF a ey) = * POND'S FREEMAN VASELINE ST. IVES LOREAL © NOXZEMA Soins pour GelĂ©e de pĂ©trole Nettoyant 3 en 1 PARIS Gascennene ie visage Petroleum ely Sin ceanser | LOREAL fd sĂ©lectionnĂ©s sĂ©lectionnes 251 mi |_| Produits coitants Selected facial Selected facial 4 sĂ©lectionnĂ©s oe Gre pon Studio | Sistecar : EST styling products ee BSG RABAIS DE 7 cE , 99; of Cotons-tiges ATTITUDE 7 y /) a (9) cston swabs DĂ©odorants =e = Âą Orr | Embalage de sĂ©lectonnĂ©s | = Le ry f Pack of 400, Selected deodorants. os BIO-OIL GOLD BOND VASELINE JR. WATKINS at po eee warns AVEENO GILLETTE lecons ae, pour le corps le comps les mains Shaving gel pores dy ‘sĂ©lectionnĂ©s sĂ©lectionnĂ©es ; sĂ©lectionnĂ©s : mmoistuizer | Selected body Selected body | (7 SR WATKING| Selected eo == a mom} care products lotions wasSteny) hand soaps denne = 200 mi, 296 ml ee a = RABAIS DE re 221 al Du 13 au 19 OCTOBRE 2022

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