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Current flyer Jean Coutu - Halloween - Valid from 13.10 to 19.10 - Page nb 4

Flyer Jean Coutu 13.10.2022 - 19.10.2022

Products in this flyer

Prenez soin de vous! qe, SUNDOWN rs a Ney NATURALS „ Icy Icy HOT eee Kids MEDICATED TIMBRE = AnalgĂ©siques ems Gana t * Vitamine ATC! H ocaces f Tom aie Se inn Produits au choix . Q * Multivitamines: Assorted produits SUNDOWN’ 8 ‘Multivitamins, 60 Be cotace neon: pias come VITAMINED Q GELIFIES @) mr u) = } a em J == Ie A JAMIESON USK Sn Seti ad Vaca Cuvee VITAMINE(D; bĂ©bĂ© am \itamine 03 Care Pourbebe For baby Coussinets, Aloe Vera Âź FOSTER —)—— error? Produits pour 1e by > = OlniĂ©ga | beset enfants GRANT a Since = ogra Ce } . ssĂ©lectionnĂ©s Lunettes de lecture ‘sĂ©lectionnĂ©s i) se Selected baby and sĂ©lectionnĂ©es Selected ty children products | Selected recig padding, —_ = glasses orthoses and = maa JUSQU'A / UP 70 a a insoles NUGLEVIT B12 PARAS OF SIMPLY ConcentrĂ© de E Prooique [ i PROTEIN YM) viamines 12 a a >) Barres = B12 concentrated ) Bars teed, | vitamins OFF 4X409 Ampoules / Vials, 15 ee | duy 1 OFF PHYTOBEC BREATHE RIGHT REELIVS * Antacid / Antacid ComplĂ©ment Bandelettes pour la Produits om * Soulagement des aimertare congestion nasale au choix || @ ees brilures destomac ‘Nasal congestion Assorted ess Teta Heartbum relief cule strips products 10,610 © Extra, 26 a x . Siomane RĂ©gulier mi Ni Regular, 0 wy 5 10 RABAIS DE HEALTH z N —_ 0/!| SELECT SupplĂ©ment pour = 2 y 0) Pese-personnes digĂ©rer les produits : sĂ©lectionnĂ©s laitiers Fy at fore| Selected Dairy digestive personal scales: supplement, 80 HEALTH GOLD BOND ‘© REPHRESH EA oo Produits . mucilagineux toilette intime large sĂ©lection face Fibre arate cent imate = *| tuminothĂ©rapie Selected os pol fone © Capsules, 160, cleansing gel a Light therapy products Personal health © Doses, 114 & te lamp ‘products for women = 456569 (Exception veg. THEBES RABAIS DE PLUS RABAIS 0) Bas de soutien t | pour diabetiques [| sectomes / 9) elected support 800ks for diabetics, pr 6d)" OCTOBER 13 to 19, 2022 RABAIS DE

Latest flyers

Prenez soin de vous! qe, SUNDOWN rs a Ney NATURALS „ Icy Icy HOT eee Kids MEDICATED TIMBRE = AnalgĂ©siques ems Gana t * Vitamine ATC! H ocaces f Tom aie Se inn Produits au choix . Q * Multivitamines: Assorted produits SUNDOWN’ 8 ‘Multivitamins, 60 Be cotace neon: pias come VITAMINED Q GELIFIES @) mr u) = } a em J == Ie A JAMIESON USK Sn Seti ad Vaca Cuvee VITAMINE(D; bĂ©bĂ© am \itamine 03 Care Pourbebe For baby Coussinets, Aloe Vera Âź FOSTER —)—— error? Produits pour 1e by > = OlniĂ©ga | beset enfants GRANT a Since = ogra Ce } . ssĂ©lectionnĂ©s Lunettes de lecture ‘sĂ©lectionnĂ©s i) se Selected baby and sĂ©lectionnĂ©es Selected ty children products | Selected recig padding, —_ = glasses orthoses and = maa JUSQU'A / UP 70 a a insoles NUGLEVIT B12 PARAS OF SIMPLY ConcentrĂ© de E Prooique [ i PROTEIN YM) viamines 12 a a >) Barres = B12 concentrated ) Bars teed, | vitamins OFF 4X409 Ampoules / Vials, 15 ee | duy 1 OFF PHYTOBEC BREATHE RIGHT REELIVS * Antacid / Antacid ComplĂ©ment Bandelettes pour la Produits om * Soulagement des aimertare congestion nasale au choix || @ ees brilures destomac ‘Nasal congestion Assorted ess Teta Heartbum relief cule strips products 10,610 © Extra, 26 a x . Siomane RĂ©gulier mi Ni Regular, 0 wy 5 10 RABAIS DE HEALTH z N —_ 0/!| SELECT SupplĂ©ment pour = 2 y 0) Pese-personnes digĂ©rer les produits : sĂ©lectionnĂ©s laitiers Fy at fore| Selected Dairy digestive personal scales: supplement, 80 HEALTH GOLD BOND ‘© REPHRESH EA oo Produits . mucilagineux toilette intime large sĂ©lection face Fibre arate cent imate = *| tuminothĂ©rapie Selected os pol fone © Capsules, 160, cleansing gel a Light therapy products Personal health © Doses, 114 & te lamp ‘products for women = 456569 (Exception veg. THEBES RABAIS DE PLUS RABAIS 0) Bas de soutien t | pour diabetiques [| sectomes / 9) elected support 800ks for diabetics, pr 6d)" OCTOBER 13 to 19, 2022 RABAIS DE

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