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Current flyer Brunet - Valid from 13.03 to 19.03 - Page nb 11

Flyer Brunet 13.03.2025 - 19.03.2025

Products in this flyer

CHOCOLATERIE DES PERES Chocolats a seclonnts 9 2 NesTLe Sette 799 ‘east F ly. Seneca ace Laura SECORD ee 4 sictomie chocolates 167 ge ge REGAL Chocolats slectionnĂ©s 150g chocolates 599 Soletd chocolates 179 CGhocolats, banbonssĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected checolotes, candles a B99 woswcomms 999 a Qe 199 499 chocolates Selected chocolates Mev ocy oe ‘VALOR Barres de chocolat slectonnĂ©es 1008 ae Sate wernens exe riginal es Bonbone Ioriststele eth eo | peers wee SEM sis ‘Soloced cookies 4d 3° | MEE 27° @ CREATION ‘quĂ©sEco wt ee © FERRERO } Somineraote g Gres, 1 ase san . er = Begins et) anata oe treated water RE coo 1 599 4999 1799 ee 9 Selected chocolates ote, a ERABLE DES @e APPALACHES, 4 WerrHen’s,” Sh Werther’ 1 ous! :000 wink Senet ‘i a Mis soute, babe wal | enapue Des MALE TIME pape ences, ABM APPRLAGHES Comets Bonbone SslectonnĂ©s ectonnĂ©s > ee inet Sebcted cones Âź : Po Pee Tous? LERABLE AU FILDUTEMPs Comets SectonnĂ©s ee. al Y eau? Sotcted cones . ERABLE DES APPALACHES WERTHER'S, KANDJU Caramel abl, comets, LAURA SECORD Frandaes cenbone etre ssteconnĂ©s octets slectonnĂ©s 124° 59 = 799 999 = Sotectedanacks condes Setcted nape coramel cones Settted chocolates

Latest flyers

CHOCOLATERIE DES PERES Chocolats a seclonnts 9 2 NesTLe Sette 799 ‘east F ly. Seneca ace Laura SECORD ee 4 sictomie chocolates 167 ge ge REGAL Chocolats slectionnĂ©s 150g chocolates 599 Soletd chocolates 179 CGhocolats, banbonssĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected checolotes, candles a B99 woswcomms 999 a Qe 199 499 chocolates Selected chocolates Mev ocy oe ‘VALOR Barres de chocolat slectonnĂ©es 1008 ae Sate wernens exe riginal es Bonbone Ioriststele eth eo | peers wee SEM sis ‘Soloced cookies 4d 3° | MEE 27° @ CREATION ‘quĂ©sEco wt ee © FERRERO } Somineraote g Gres, 1 ase san . er = Begins et) anata oe treated water RE coo 1 599 4999 1799 ee 9 Selected chocolates ote, a ERABLE DES @e APPALACHES, 4 WerrHen’s,” Sh Werther’ 1 ous! :000 wink Senet ‘i a Mis soute, babe wal | enapue Des MALE TIME pape ences, ABM APPRLAGHES Comets Bonbone SslectonnĂ©s ectonnĂ©s > ee inet Sebcted cones Âź : Po Pee Tous? LERABLE AU FILDUTEMPs Comets SectonnĂ©s ee. al Y eau? Sotcted cones . ERABLE DES APPALACHES WERTHER'S, KANDJU Caramel abl, comets, LAURA SECORD Frandaes cenbone etre ssteconnĂ©s octets slectonnĂ©s 124° 59 = 799 999 = Sotectedanacks condes Setcted nape coramel cones Settted chocolates

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