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Current flyer Calgary CO-OP - Valid from 16.02 to 22.02 - Page nb 5

Flyer Calgary CO-OP 16.02.2023 - 22.02.2023

Products in this flyer

Pink Lady or Red Grapefruit Granny Smith . Imported Apples Fancy Product of sae al, Petit a » 3 4 = for @ hy Bartlett Pears 99 - a] a ae) ra =) oc a = rm) tate ee a A Product of USA R Cal & Gary's < e , ‘3ore0 Sliced Apples e hy ath Cramel Op FF _ he yy * ee | r Red Mangoes 335 Imported for No.1 Grade Red Globe or Black cor Grapes imported No.1 Grade cate ae 's : Peete el 1 Cal & Gary's ct Grape Cups / 162 . ere |& Gary's Sweet i | al Kale, Kalesiaw or , roe ‘Mixes Hot House — Beefsteak Romane 9 9 Tomatoes 49 | Product of USA Alberta Grown fb | Sweet Mini No. 1Grade F Canada No.1 5.49/kg Bell Peppers Mb ! Imported = No. 1Grade 99 ae aM = Cal &Gary's { : [2 3) Veggie Steamers d — oe 140-6209 een ee $ td OFF | a os Fresh Express Reto Salad Blends rr poparegs LL 312-3429 99 White Onions 49 Imported Sons ~ Assorted varieties Imported No.1Grade Product of USA No.1Grade Seeks Organic Cauliflower Product of USA No.1 Grade Drone Bananas 99 Noten 1 Grade Royal Bouquet Mix & Match Floral Bunches WKMG-PGA

Latest flyers

Pink Lady or Red Grapefruit Granny Smith . Imported Apples Fancy Product of sae al, Petit a » 3 4 = for @ hy Bartlett Pears 99 - a] a ae) ra =) oc a = rm) tate ee a A Product of USA R Cal & Gary's < e , ‘3ore0 Sliced Apples e hy ath Cramel Op FF _ he yy * ee | r Red Mangoes 335 Imported for No.1 Grade Red Globe or Black cor Grapes imported No.1 Grade cate ae 's : Peete el 1 Cal & Gary's ct Grape Cups / 162 . ere |& Gary's Sweet i | al Kale, Kalesiaw or , roe ‘Mixes Hot House — Beefsteak Romane 9 9 Tomatoes 49 | Product of USA Alberta Grown fb | Sweet Mini No. 1Grade F Canada No.1 5.49/kg Bell Peppers Mb ! Imported = No. 1Grade 99 ae aM = Cal &Gary's { : [2 3) Veggie Steamers d — oe 140-6209 een ee $ td OFF | a os Fresh Express Reto Salad Blends rr poparegs LL 312-3429 99 White Onions 49 Imported Sons ~ Assorted varieties Imported No.1Grade Product of USA No.1Grade Seeks Organic Cauliflower Product of USA No.1 Grade Drone Bananas 99 Noten 1 Grade Royal Bouquet Mix & Match Floral Bunches WKMG-PGA

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