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Current flyer Calgary CO-OP - Christmas - Valid from 15.12 to 21.12 - Page nb 2

Flyer Calgary CO-OP 15.12.2022 - 21.12.2022

Products in this flyer

Whole b Chicken Wings iu Family Pack 11.00/kg Raised by an Alberta Farm Family Grain Fed, Free Run & Air Chilled w Founders & Farmers Fully Cooked Pork Back Ribs ea 49 Previously Frozen > 4 ea ee ys Yams Product of USA No. 1Grade oe B4/kg Boursin : boursin ~ 130-1709 boursin 7 3; @* bu LTIPLES Founders & Farmers [BU ; Muffins ORBUY1 FOR Banana Chocolate Chip, SAVE Carrot or Assorted varieties 6009 Cero e ue Géant Vert 400-7509 250-900ml fo! ooo Select varieties Select varieties lect varieties Cal & Gary's Green Giant Frozen 2 Campbell's Extra Virgin Vegetables for Tetra Broth r Olive Oil HEALTH & BEAUTY DEAL OF THE WEEK! ee \ i Jamieson Se Vitamins ° Select vareties OFF PU Sa a OSES USUAL AY. ESS) oF Together with Calgary Co-op the Mustard Seed will provide holiday meal food hampers to those in need. General Mills Family Size Dairyland Cereal Egg Nog ea 475-778 ea 9 21 Select varieties Select varieties Cae ace anaes aa stele Patric at® Cot Ree 7 12 oe oa Have a COMPLEX CONDITION orusea SPECIALTY PRODUCT? Our trained team ey Pts Eras fo] pee ee your treatment with a biologic or specialty medication Make our pharmacists a part of your health care team Ste riaiee me lb iavo ore aU lay

Latest flyers

Whole b Chicken Wings iu Family Pack 11.00/kg Raised by an Alberta Farm Family Grain Fed, Free Run & Air Chilled w Founders & Farmers Fully Cooked Pork Back Ribs ea 49 Previously Frozen > 4 ea ee ys Yams Product of USA No. 1Grade oe B4/kg Boursin : boursin ~ 130-1709 boursin 7 3; @* bu LTIPLES Founders & Farmers [BU ; Muffins ORBUY1 FOR Banana Chocolate Chip, SAVE Carrot or Assorted varieties 6009 Cero e ue Géant Vert 400-7509 250-900ml fo! ooo Select varieties Select varieties lect varieties Cal & Gary's Green Giant Frozen 2 Campbell's Extra Virgin Vegetables for Tetra Broth r Olive Oil HEALTH & BEAUTY DEAL OF THE WEEK! ee \ i Jamieson Se Vitamins ° Select vareties OFF PU Sa a OSES USUAL AY. ESS) oF Together with Calgary Co-op the Mustard Seed will provide holiday meal food hampers to those in need. General Mills Family Size Dairyland Cereal Egg Nog ea 475-778 ea 9 21 Select varieties Select varieties Cae ace anaes aa stele Patric at® Cot Ree 7 12 oe oa Have a COMPLEX CONDITION orusea SPECIALTY PRODUCT? Our trained team ey Pts Eras fo] pee ee your treatment with a biologic or specialty medication Make our pharmacists a part of your health care team Ste riaiee me lb iavo ore aU lay

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