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Current flyer Canadian Tire - Black Friday - Valid from 24.11 to 30.11 - Page nb 1

Flyer Canadian Tire 24.11.2022 - 30.11.2022

Products in this flyer

Fue. Zone 0_OttValley_Ottcity cee 0348-01 Trim — 8" x21" aff Va | sn Reloa@ 2 Image - 7%" x 20% Thursday, November 24 to Wednesday, November 30, 2022 rT = 9%, 45 . Sale 38.99-40.99 Reg 71.99-74.99 EDGE Titanium Performance Synthetic Motor Oil. SL. 26-9212x. Sale 45.99 ea Reg 83.99 EDGE Extended Performance Synthetic Motor Oil. 3 grades available. SL. 28-9482x. Dame 3 aN choles) Re eta} ya eat Check your mailbox or visit e ema Sale, from 107.16" Reg, from 154.99 WinterTrek Passenger Tire. 205/5sn16 rr. Wheel rim sold separately. “Meets the TRAC severe snow conditions standard TIRE AND RUBBER ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. ‘Applicable sales tax, tire disposal fees and balancing not included. @> a Honeywell SAVE Sale 149.99 Reg 239.99 Skee-Ball Arcade Game. Electronic scoring and sound. Automatic ball return. Foldable for easy storage. 184-0880-6. Ee SAVE 40" %, Sale 59.99 Reg 99.99 Sale 55.99-167.99 Reg 69.99-209.99 Elite 2.0 Fipshots Portable Indoor Heaters. Selected sizes. | Sale 47.99-127.99 Reg 59.99-159.99 | Flip-32 Blaster. AS-O167K Warm and Cool Mist Humidifiers. 43-o70sx. | 50-9446. Pfister MAXIMUM SAVE > | SAVE 7 5% Sale 99.99 ea Reg 249.99-269.99 is si Sale 99.99 Classic Pull-Down Baise Reg 159.99 Kitchen Faucet. SAVE Sale 83.99 Reg 139.99 ¥"-Drive Torque Chrome or Stainless Steel. 65.4734-0/4735-8. % Queen Double-High Air Bed with T20V Pump. 7.60214. 4 ‘equal payments. Applicable taxes and fees not inc ‘Wrench. 50-250 ft-lbs. 58-9309-2. 7 Chef 7 SAVE . 50 ae”? — Sale 5.99-8.99 SAVE Sale 9.99-10.49 Reg 14.99 Reg 1.99-18.99 \%o 391 or 63L Storage Totes. Silicone Bakeware. 4246082/02-56526, 2.0000%, Turn big purchases into small payments. 24 5 No ee, interest" on equal monthly payments, CO prcase included, See inside back page fr NO FEE 3 deal Accesses contents not nuded with products sols ts poge Rec isa th ne purse stet Castel Ege Tlanumor Extended Perfotnance synthetic oto OSL jg rom g ° 2 : RTA, SNOW 8 99 : B we cy Regt4.49 75” 3 Kinder 3s nes Sale 11.99-39.99 Reg 49.99-159.99 8S ss 18, 20, 26, 30 or 3m Forged Non-Stick 8 tiesptsiat Pans. w27072%. VCELEBRATINGIOO YEARS | ITLY ngle a NO INTEREST financing. Monthly pricing based on 24 November 24, | peoe4e_otinaa 1 DEO348-01 Zone O_OttValley_OttCity 2022 to December, 2022. Taxes payable on price before rebate. Limit of two (2) rebates per household. Visit castrolpromotions ca for offer detail. ‘See detals on page 2. @ 2022-11-07 10:04 PM|

Latest flyers

Fue. Zone 0_OttValley_Ottcity cee 0348-01 Trim — 8" x21" aff Va | sn Reloa@ 2 Image - 7%" x 20% Thursday, November 24 to Wednesday, November 30, 2022 rT = 9%, 45 . Sale 38.99-40.99 Reg 71.99-74.99 EDGE Titanium Performance Synthetic Motor Oil. SL. 26-9212x. Sale 45.99 ea Reg 83.99 EDGE Extended Performance Synthetic Motor Oil. 3 grades available. SL. 28-9482x. Dame 3 aN choles) Re eta} ya eat Check your mailbox or visit e ema Sale, from 107.16" Reg, from 154.99 WinterTrek Passenger Tire. 205/5sn16 rr. Wheel rim sold separately. “Meets the TRAC severe snow conditions standard TIRE AND RUBBER ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. ‘Applicable sales tax, tire disposal fees and balancing not included. @> a Honeywell SAVE Sale 149.99 Reg 239.99 Skee-Ball Arcade Game. Electronic scoring and sound. Automatic ball return. Foldable for easy storage. 184-0880-6. Ee SAVE 40" %, Sale 59.99 Reg 99.99 Sale 55.99-167.99 Reg 69.99-209.99 Elite 2.0 Fipshots Portable Indoor Heaters. Selected sizes. | Sale 47.99-127.99 Reg 59.99-159.99 | Flip-32 Blaster. AS-O167K Warm and Cool Mist Humidifiers. 43-o70sx. | 50-9446. Pfister MAXIMUM SAVE > | SAVE 7 5% Sale 99.99 ea Reg 249.99-269.99 is si Sale 99.99 Classic Pull-Down Baise Reg 159.99 Kitchen Faucet. SAVE Sale 83.99 Reg 139.99 ¥"-Drive Torque Chrome or Stainless Steel. 65.4734-0/4735-8. % Queen Double-High Air Bed with T20V Pump. 7.60214. 4 ‘equal payments. Applicable taxes and fees not inc ‘Wrench. 50-250 ft-lbs. 58-9309-2. 7 Chef 7 SAVE . 50 ae”? — Sale 5.99-8.99 SAVE Sale 9.99-10.49 Reg 14.99 Reg 1.99-18.99 \%o 391 or 63L Storage Totes. Silicone Bakeware. 4246082/02-56526, 2.0000%, Turn big purchases into small payments. 24 5 No ee, interest" on equal monthly payments, CO prcase included, See inside back page fr NO FEE 3 deal Accesses contents not nuded with products sols ts poge Rec isa th ne purse stet Castel Ege Tlanumor Extended Perfotnance synthetic oto OSL jg rom g ° 2 : RTA, SNOW 8 99 : B we cy Regt4.49 75” 3 Kinder 3s nes Sale 11.99-39.99 Reg 49.99-159.99 8S ss 18, 20, 26, 30 or 3m Forged Non-Stick 8 tiesptsiat Pans. w27072%. VCELEBRATINGIOO YEARS | ITLY ngle a NO INTEREST financing. Monthly pricing based on 24 November 24, | peoe4e_otinaa 1 DEO348-01 Zone O_OttValley_OttCity 2022 to December, 2022. Taxes payable on price before rebate. Limit of two (2) rebates per household. Visit castrolpromotions ca for offer detail. ‘See detals on page 2. @ 2022-11-07 10:04 PM|

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