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Current flyer Canadian Tire - Thanksgiving Day - Valid from 06.10 to 12.10 - Page nb 1

Flyer Canadian Tire 06.10.2022 - 12.10.2022

Products in this flyer

ipg_CalGrp_Ed O_Ott_Nfld_wy DE0341-22 BUTE le TaN Hl ARC PP Pee Rc CCI CNC? Goa Reg 549.99 229-Piece Professional-Grade Black Chrome Socket Set. 4", 4 and 4'-drive sizes. 58-9285-2. + danze Reg 314.99-329.99 Jasper Pull-Down Kitchen Faucet. Available in matte black, chrome and stainless-steel finish. 63-3825x. Reg 15.99 Hershey Chocolate & Candy, 100-Pc. 15-253-6/7255-2. While supplies last 25.00/24 mo" Reg 2499.99 12-Pc 5-Ply Copper Core Cookset. 142-8571-0. Reg 179.99 3.5L Easy Fry Air Fryer. 43-052-4. 25.00/24 mo" Reg 999.99 Garage-in-a- Box, 12 x 24 x 8°. Door clearance height: 6°9”. 37-0704-0. For all portable shelters on this page, check your local by-laws regarding use. Q&aneneun fi Reg, from 290.99 Y-Ice Snow SUV Winter Truck Tire. 265/70R07 IST. Wheel/rim sold separately. ‘Applicable ales tax, tire disposal fees and balancing not included ‘Meets the TRAC severe snow conditions standard. TIRE AND RUBBER ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. [itivine Reg 79.99 6’ Folding Table with Carry Handle, Grey. 68-1467-4. om = Âź Reg 119.99 2-Ton Jack, Stands and Wheel Chock Kit. 09-1061-0. Always use jack with axle stands, and stands in pairs. CANVAS 17.50/24 mo" Reg 799.99 Kingwood Media Electric Fireplace. 57x 15% x 34%" h. 6435568, Coleman Reg 139.99-149.99 Double- High Air Bed with Pump. Twin or queen size. 76-2804-6/2820-6. CHAMBERLAIN. 13.34/24 mo" Reg 459.99 %-HP Ultra-Quiet Belt-Drive Garage Door Opener with Wi-Fi. 46-0594-8. Device not included. Reg 34.99-79.99 10-Pc or 60-Pc Screwdriver Sets. 57-3544-4/3663-6. (OHUNTSHIELO ‘AeroGarden Reg 229.99 Harvest, White. Includes 6 seed pods and liquid Nutrients. 59.1444-0. NOMA Reg 24.99-28.99 ‘AA/40 or AAA/30 Alkaline Batteries. 65-1104-6/1708-8. OC (0 FEE, NO INTEREST financing. Monthly pricing based on 24 equal payment Reg 99.99 LED 180° Motion-Sensor Light. Solar powered. 52-7808-4. Reg 5.99 -45°C raunx cueanvicw © Q@Âź Rain-X Clear View os Winter _— Windshield 10.42/24 mo" Reg 354.99 Washer Fluid. Hunting Blind. See-through 5-sided 29-480-0. model. 375-0840-8. Turn big purchases into small payments. No Fee, Nointerest** on equal monthly payments. fo ‘Applicable taxes and fees not included. See inside back page for detail NO FEE, q ails. ‘Instant rebate applied in-store, Instant rebate cannot be used in conjunction with the manufacturer mail-in rebate. Taxes payable on price before rebate. See in-store or online for tires eligible for instant rebate. ‘Wi-Fi and the Wi-Fi logo are registered trademarks of Wi-Fi Alliance.

Latest flyers

ipg_CalGrp_Ed O_Ott_Nfld_wy DE0341-22 BUTE le TaN Hl ARC PP Pee Rc CCI CNC? Goa Reg 549.99 229-Piece Professional-Grade Black Chrome Socket Set. 4", 4 and 4'-drive sizes. 58-9285-2. + danze Reg 314.99-329.99 Jasper Pull-Down Kitchen Faucet. Available in matte black, chrome and stainless-steel finish. 63-3825x. Reg 15.99 Hershey Chocolate & Candy, 100-Pc. 15-253-6/7255-2. While supplies last 25.00/24 mo" Reg 2499.99 12-Pc 5-Ply Copper Core Cookset. 142-8571-0. Reg 179.99 3.5L Easy Fry Air Fryer. 43-052-4. 25.00/24 mo" Reg 999.99 Garage-in-a- Box, 12 x 24 x 8°. Door clearance height: 6°9”. 37-0704-0. For all portable shelters on this page, check your local by-laws regarding use. Q&aneneun fi Reg, from 290.99 Y-Ice Snow SUV Winter Truck Tire. 265/70R07 IST. Wheel/rim sold separately. ‘Applicable ales tax, tire disposal fees and balancing not included ‘Meets the TRAC severe snow conditions standard. TIRE AND RUBBER ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. [itivine Reg 79.99 6’ Folding Table with Carry Handle, Grey. 68-1467-4. om = Âź Reg 119.99 2-Ton Jack, Stands and Wheel Chock Kit. 09-1061-0. Always use jack with axle stands, and stands in pairs. CANVAS 17.50/24 mo" Reg 799.99 Kingwood Media Electric Fireplace. 57x 15% x 34%" h. 6435568, Coleman Reg 139.99-149.99 Double- High Air Bed with Pump. Twin or queen size. 76-2804-6/2820-6. CHAMBERLAIN. 13.34/24 mo" Reg 459.99 %-HP Ultra-Quiet Belt-Drive Garage Door Opener with Wi-Fi. 46-0594-8. Device not included. Reg 34.99-79.99 10-Pc or 60-Pc Screwdriver Sets. 57-3544-4/3663-6. (OHUNTSHIELO ‘AeroGarden Reg 229.99 Harvest, White. Includes 6 seed pods and liquid Nutrients. 59.1444-0. NOMA Reg 24.99-28.99 ‘AA/40 or AAA/30 Alkaline Batteries. 65-1104-6/1708-8. OC (0 FEE, NO INTEREST financing. Monthly pricing based on 24 equal payment Reg 99.99 LED 180° Motion-Sensor Light. Solar powered. 52-7808-4. Reg 5.99 -45°C raunx cueanvicw © Q@Âź Rain-X Clear View os Winter _— Windshield 10.42/24 mo" Reg 354.99 Washer Fluid. Hunting Blind. See-through 5-sided 29-480-0. model. 375-0840-8. Turn big purchases into small payments. No Fee, Nointerest** on equal monthly payments. fo ‘Applicable taxes and fees not included. See inside back page for detail NO FEE, q ails. ‘Instant rebate applied in-store, Instant rebate cannot be used in conjunction with the manufacturer mail-in rebate. Taxes payable on price before rebate. See in-store or online for tires eligible for instant rebate. ‘Wi-Fi and the Wi-Fi logo are registered trademarks of Wi-Fi Alliance.

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