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Current flyer Co-op Food - Valid from 07.12 to 13.12 - Page nb 2

Flyer Co-op Food 07.12.2023 - 13.12.2023

Products in this flyer

€ N Greenhouse Grown tit Mini Cucumbers Produce of Western Canada Package of 6 AE CANADA Russet, Yellow _n or White Potatoes a ©] Produce of Westem Canada \C at Canada No.1 A, 724 || Sb(227kg) Schneiders or Maple Leaf Boneless Ham 600-700 g Co-op Gold Chicken, + Gatherings "VPN Beefor Pork Entrées ©] Ter Lee 6 À 600-650 g or Maple Leaf Prime is 34 VE > 4 GA | Bresded Chicken Entrées 560-581 g v 1 = AC À Frozen 1, ie 120 g or Havoured 85 g \ Co-op Gold Light Tuna | FIRST 10 Twisted Croissants Dairyland Baked In-store PAIE Raspberry, Lemon Whipping Cream or Apple Cinnamon 473 mL or Aerosol 225 g Package of6 KD Purex Bathroom Tissue Tide Laundry Detergent C À Men = "eo Package of 30 Jumbo Rolls, Uitra "@ ] 44-48 Wash Loads or Package of23 - 31 ee 4 ups 12x 589 À \ Lux 12 Mega Rolls or Spongeïowels — A or Ivory Snow 32 Wash Loads A HOLIDAY FAVOURITE UltraPRO Package of 6 Double Rolls Songe, af 4 +: À Try the new LIMITED EDITION Co-op Gold Eggnog Ice Cream, 1.5L made in WESTERN CANADA Enchanting LES R CRUEL ONLINE OR IN THE TABLE MAGAZINE! SPATCHCOCKED TURKEY & PAN GRAVY CEE

€ N Greenhouse Grown tit Mini Cucumbers Produce of Western Canada Package of 6 AE CANADA Russet, Yellow _n or White Potatoes a ©] Produce of Westem Canada \C at Canada No.1 A, 724 || Sb(227kg) Schneiders or Maple Leaf Boneless Ham 600-700 g Co-op Gold Chicken, + Gatherings "VPN Beefor Pork Entrées ©] Ter Lee 6 À 600-650 g or Maple Leaf Prime is 34 VE > 4 GA | Bresded Chicken Entrées 560-581 g v 1 = AC À Frozen 1, ie 120 g or Havoured 85 g \ Co-op Gold Light Tuna | FIRST 10 Twisted Croissants Dairyland Baked In-store PAIE Raspberry, Lemon Whipping Cream or Apple Cinnamon 473 mL or Aerosol 225 g Package of6 KD Purex Bathroom Tissue Tide Laundry Detergent C À Men = "eo Package of 30 Jumbo Rolls, Uitra "@ ] 44-48 Wash Loads or Package of23 - 31 ee 4 ups 12x 589 À \ Lux 12 Mega Rolls or Spongeïowels — A or Ivory Snow 32 Wash Loads A HOLIDAY FAVOURITE UltraPRO Package of 6 Double Rolls Songe, af 4 +: À Try the new LIMITED EDITION Co-op Gold Eggnog Ice Cream, 1.5L made in WESTERN CANADA Enchanting LES R CRUEL ONLINE OR IN THE TABLE MAGAZINE! SPATCHCOCKED TURKEY & PAN GRAVY CEE

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