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Current flyer Costco - Valid from 27.02 to 12.03 - Page nb 1

Flyer Costco 27.02.2023 - 12.03.2023

Products in this flyer

Va Feb. 27 to Mar. 12. 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $11 Nestié Kit Kat chocolate bars 48*459 129792 Inarehouse 55300 Instant savings “511.00 PRICE 54290 Available for delivery at a higher price. Val Feb. 27 to Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS $2.50 Huer Candy Cup original gummies or sour gummies 61650 504660, 5757806 Imsvarenouce s1190 Instant saings -$250 PRICE 5949 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 to Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $3 Glico Pocky chocolate, strawberry or matcha green tea 10» 4090 10< 339 5368300. 5368301, 5368304 Inswarenouse 51309 Instant savngs =53 00 PRICE 510.90 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Valid Feb. 27 o Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS $4 Made Good granola bites 28%249 1439971 Inwarehouse 517.40 Instant savings -$400 PRICE 513,49 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 o Mar, 12, 2023 2 WEEKS $6 Yupik raw almonds or 9634206 Inswarehouse 52090 Instant sawngs =$5.00 PRICE 52388 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 io Mar, 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $2.50 Yupik cocoa powder 15h 1328403 Inavarehouse s1000 Instant savngs =52.50 PRICE 58.40 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Valid Feb. 27 o Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $2.30 Yupik Thompson 21 1328430 Imwarehouse sto7e Instant savings -$230 PRICE 58.49 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 to Mar, 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $8 Starbucks by Nespresso espresso roast coffee 60 capsules 8002068 Imsvarehouse 54090 Instant saings -$8.00 PRICE 541.90 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 lo Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE Knorr hollandaise sauce mix 8009 1608376 Imsvarehouse s1900 Instant savngs =5400 PRICE 515.90 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Vaïd Feb. 27 o Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $2.50 Nescafé Rich instant coffee 4759 10256 Insarehouse s1120 Instant savings “5250 PRICE 59.49 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valié Feb. 27 o Mar, 12, 2023 2 WEEKS Ham Available for delivery at a higher price. Vaïd Feb. 27 to Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE Agropur medium cheddar cheese 22719 1184600 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Val Feb. 27 o Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $6 Racolli shredded 17% M.F. pizza mozzarella cheese 2279 162832 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Valid Feb. 27 to Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE __ $3.50 ; , Santa Lucia ricotta cheese Valid Feb. 27 to Mar, 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE PER UNIT* Bonalpi Austrian Edam cheese 25 kg avowt 25362 WAREHOUSE ONLY OFFER Valid Feb. 27 to Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $10 Super Prince cooked ham Valid Feb. 27 lo Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE PER UNIT- Landana smoked gouda roll 725kga0 25380 WAREHOUSE ONLY OFFER Valid Feb. 27 lo Mar 12, 2023 2 WEEKS $7 Sealove wild sockeye salmon 2800 2 1068724 ( ) 249 5410 fosreo Rico 604823 __— s1500 Se ments ses Imrarehouse sus instant saings “8350 RS Instant savngs -$1000 Instant savngs =$7.00 PRICE S1240 PRICE 5360 PRICE Sa. Available for delivery at a higher price. Available for delivery at a higher price. Available for delivery at a higher price. x VIEW ONLINE OFFER x VIEW ONLINE OFFER x VIEW ONLINE OFFER Va Feb. 27 o Mar. 12. 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $10 Golden Maple frozen uncooked breaded chicken breast fillets 2x 2kg 1068077 Insarehouse 54400 Instant savings -$10.00 PRICE $34.98 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valié Feb. 27 o Mar, 12, 2022 2 WEEKS $15 Toppits frozen battered en haddock fillets E 45419 = 1121140 Inserehouse sras0 Instant savings 51500 PRICE s50.00 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 0 Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE 28 Black classic caffeinated energy drink 24% 260mL +305 Inswarehouse st8se Instant savings =$4.00 PRICE 51490 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Val Feb. 27 o Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $10 ( Dorfin kraft paper bags 105im «Sin» fai pack of 250 1487740 Inswarehouse 54590 Instant savings -510.00 PRICE 526.98 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 o Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $9 s White Swan paper towel rolls Binx2058 pack of24 1360577 Inswarehouse sa79e h Instant sawings =9.00 ; PRICE 538.89 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 to Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $3.90 = Dawn Professional dish detergent ns se 1090225 [AU invarehouse s1380 instant saings “5390 PRICE 500 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Valid Feb. 27 to Mar 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $3 Workhorse jumbo angle broom with dustpan 1710013 Imsarehouse s1490 Inctant savings -5300 PRICE s11.90 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 o Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $2 Glad Take-Aways 24-oz round food containers pack 0125 1522700 Imsvarehouse 5920 Instant savings -$200 PRICE 57.29 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 o Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $14 Titan parchment paper baking sheets ur pack of 1,000 es 1304076 ds Inavarehouse 569.09 Instant savngs =$14.00 PRICE 555.90 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Terms and Conditions (On Gostce members in good standing may use Inese instant Sangs. These in nt sangs are oniy val at Costes Violesale Business Centres in Canada or on Gostcobusinesscentre ca, The instant savings are valid for (ne specie periode on, have no cash rédemption value and may note combined win any ofner frs or saings unies othervise specified and are subject o change out notice Ofer imted te inventory at Coco Volezas Business Centres in Canada or on Costecbusinesscentr c3 fem colour may dr from picture Gosteo Wolesale Business Centre reserves ne fig lo Em quanties purehased and to core! errors. Prices may be subject o addiienal fees, such as environmental hangng, fecyclg or disposal fees. Al pces sie on Coslcobusinesscente ca inclue delvery charges unless olheruise species. Registered rademark of Price Coslco Inlemalional Inc. used under censé For Information on environmental fees, visit ww costco.caleco-1ees Mimi.

Latest flyers

Va Feb. 27 to Mar. 12. 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $11 Nestié Kit Kat chocolate bars 48*459 129792 Inarehouse 55300 Instant savings “511.00 PRICE 54290 Available for delivery at a higher price. Val Feb. 27 to Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS $2.50 Huer Candy Cup original gummies or sour gummies 61650 504660, 5757806 Imsvarenouce s1190 Instant saings -$250 PRICE 5949 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 to Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $3 Glico Pocky chocolate, strawberry or matcha green tea 10» 4090 10< 339 5368300. 5368301, 5368304 Inswarenouse 51309 Instant savngs =53 00 PRICE 510.90 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Valid Feb. 27 o Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS $4 Made Good granola bites 28%249 1439971 Inwarehouse 517.40 Instant savings -$400 PRICE 513,49 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 o Mar, 12, 2023 2 WEEKS $6 Yupik raw almonds or 9634206 Inswarehouse 52090 Instant sawngs =$5.00 PRICE 52388 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 io Mar, 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $2.50 Yupik cocoa powder 15h 1328403 Inavarehouse s1000 Instant savngs =52.50 PRICE 58.40 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Valid Feb. 27 o Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $2.30 Yupik Thompson 21 1328430 Imwarehouse sto7e Instant savings -$230 PRICE 58.49 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 to Mar, 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $8 Starbucks by Nespresso espresso roast coffee 60 capsules 8002068 Imsvarehouse 54090 Instant saings -$8.00 PRICE 541.90 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 lo Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE Knorr hollandaise sauce mix 8009 1608376 Imsvarehouse s1900 Instant savngs =5400 PRICE 515.90 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Vaïd Feb. 27 o Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $2.50 Nescafé Rich instant coffee 4759 10256 Insarehouse s1120 Instant savings “5250 PRICE 59.49 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valié Feb. 27 o Mar, 12, 2023 2 WEEKS Ham Available for delivery at a higher price. Vaïd Feb. 27 to Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE Agropur medium cheddar cheese 22719 1184600 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Val Feb. 27 o Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $6 Racolli shredded 17% M.F. pizza mozzarella cheese 2279 162832 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Valid Feb. 27 to Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE __ $3.50 ; , Santa Lucia ricotta cheese Valid Feb. 27 to Mar, 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE PER UNIT* Bonalpi Austrian Edam cheese 25 kg avowt 25362 WAREHOUSE ONLY OFFER Valid Feb. 27 to Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $10 Super Prince cooked ham Valid Feb. 27 lo Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE PER UNIT- Landana smoked gouda roll 725kga0 25380 WAREHOUSE ONLY OFFER Valid Feb. 27 lo Mar 12, 2023 2 WEEKS $7 Sealove wild sockeye salmon 2800 2 1068724 ( ) 249 5410 fosreo Rico 604823 __— s1500 Se ments ses Imrarehouse sus instant saings “8350 RS Instant savngs -$1000 Instant savngs =$7.00 PRICE S1240 PRICE 5360 PRICE Sa. Available for delivery at a higher price. Available for delivery at a higher price. Available for delivery at a higher price. x VIEW ONLINE OFFER x VIEW ONLINE OFFER x VIEW ONLINE OFFER Va Feb. 27 o Mar. 12. 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $10 Golden Maple frozen uncooked breaded chicken breast fillets 2x 2kg 1068077 Insarehouse 54400 Instant savings -$10.00 PRICE $34.98 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valié Feb. 27 o Mar, 12, 2022 2 WEEKS $15 Toppits frozen battered en haddock fillets E 45419 = 1121140 Inserehouse sras0 Instant savings 51500 PRICE s50.00 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 0 Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE 28 Black classic caffeinated energy drink 24% 260mL +305 Inswarehouse st8se Instant savings =$4.00 PRICE 51490 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Val Feb. 27 o Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $10 ( Dorfin kraft paper bags 105im «Sin» fai pack of 250 1487740 Inswarehouse 54590 Instant savings -510.00 PRICE 526.98 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 o Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $9 s White Swan paper towel rolls Binx2058 pack of24 1360577 Inswarehouse sa79e h Instant sawings =9.00 ; PRICE 538.89 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 to Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $3.90 = Dawn Professional dish detergent ns se 1090225 [AU invarehouse s1380 instant saings “5390 PRICE 500 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Valid Feb. 27 to Mar 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $3 Workhorse jumbo angle broom with dustpan 1710013 Imsarehouse s1490 Inctant savings -5300 PRICE s11.90 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 o Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $2 Glad Take-Aways 24-oz round food containers pack 0125 1522700 Imsvarehouse 5920 Instant savings -$200 PRICE 57.29 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Feb. 27 o Mar. 12, 2023 2 WEEKS SAVE $14 Titan parchment paper baking sheets ur pack of 1,000 es 1304076 ds Inavarehouse 569.09 Instant savngs =$14.00 PRICE 555.90 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Terms and Conditions (On Gostce members in good standing may use Inese instant Sangs. These in nt sangs are oniy val at Costes Violesale Business Centres in Canada or on Gostcobusinesscentre ca, The instant savings are valid for (ne specie periode on, have no cash rédemption value and may note combined win any ofner frs or saings unies othervise specified and are subject o change out notice Ofer imted te inventory at Coco Volezas Business Centres in Canada or on Costecbusinesscentr c3 fem colour may dr from picture Gosteo Wolesale Business Centre reserves ne fig lo Em quanties purehased and to core! errors. Prices may be subject o addiienal fees, such as environmental hangng, fecyclg or disposal fees. Al pces sie on Coslcobusinesscente ca inclue delvery charges unless olheruise species. Registered rademark of Price Coslco Inlemalional Inc. used under censé For Information on environmental fees, visit ww costco.caleco-1ees Mimi.

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