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Current flyer Dominion - Thanksgiving Day - Valid from 06.10 to 12.10 - Page nb 7

Flyer Dominion 06.10.2022 - 12.10.2022

Products in this flyer

| “4 = 16%, ——/_ 6 inch mousse cake spicy pumpkin or i; creamy caramel | 7501770 g 2108498 EAV2HORST_EA HA a Market™ pple cookies pumpkin spice cakes selected varieties 8inch 12's gateaux de la saison biscuits des récoltes au Délices du Marché” 866294 £A caramel, pommes ou citrouilles et épices 205567 EA/ZS55 EA ae oe 99° =% 3° ie E>, ~““4 Binch pie ace Bakery NS SEN circlerallsisser yA pumpernickel, selected varietiogy bi . ~~ split toprolise.S 7% ~ sourdough boule 635-750 g Sb selected varieyesme ~ or egg bread tartede > Ramon EARRNUS CA bi | Boulangerie A bs 2am EATDION aguetteban (aN selested agenesis 325-400 aah aguette ~Nescam | is no name* The Mix and Matchfeléal PC* hot cross buns 8's dinner rolls is only applicable fOnibredtiin. + or extra raisin white or buns, bagels, Engisinmuffins, cinnamon raisin whole wheat & tortilla wraps fro bread 675 g is the following brands? RM brioches de carémerou pains sans (4 Loffre Créez votre] Jy Hawn, WRENS A ee combinaison s'appieuey uniquement aux pains;petit pains et bagels, muffins ang et tortillas pour roulés des marques suivantes : Wonder, Country Harvest, D'Italiano mma EARIOE EA pain a la cannelleavec, falsing en rages extra-épai Powis arin ance eae ey aes ei Gy ERISE Sty ORIGINAL

Latest flyers

| “4 = 16%, ——/_ 6 inch mousse cake spicy pumpkin or i; creamy caramel | 7501770 g 2108498 EAV2HORST_EA HA a Market™ pple cookies pumpkin spice cakes selected varieties 8inch 12's gateaux de la saison biscuits des récoltes au Délices du Marché” 866294 £A caramel, pommes ou citrouilles et épices 205567 EA/ZS55 EA ae oe 99° =% 3° ie E>, ~““4 Binch pie ace Bakery NS SEN circlerallsisser yA pumpernickel, selected varietiogy bi . ~~ split toprolise.S 7% ~ sourdough boule 635-750 g Sb selected varieyesme ~ or egg bread tartede > Ramon EARRNUS CA bi | Boulangerie A bs 2am EATDION aguetteban (aN selested agenesis 325-400 aah aguette ~Nescam | is no name* The Mix and Matchfeléal PC* hot cross buns 8's dinner rolls is only applicable fOnibredtiin. + or extra raisin white or buns, bagels, Engisinmuffins, cinnamon raisin whole wheat & tortilla wraps fro bread 675 g is the following brands? RM brioches de carémerou pains sans (4 Loffre Créez votre] Jy Hawn, WRENS A ee combinaison s'appieuey uniquement aux pains;petit pains et bagels, muffins ang et tortillas pour roulés des marques suivantes : Wonder, Country Harvest, D'Italiano mma EARIOE EA pain a la cannelleavec, falsing en rages extra-épai Powis arin ance eae ey aes ei Gy ERISE Sty ORIGINAL

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