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Current flyer Farm Boy - Valid from 13.07 to 19.07 - Page nb 1

Flyer Farm Boy 13.07.2023 - 19.07.2023

Products in this flyer

Sweet & Juicy we Extra Large « Cherries no. 1 grade, product of USA Broccoli product of Canada at aa ss Cut from Canada AAA Beef 9 Green Ocean 9 9 ' 9 9 ere 5 D te TricTip g) %> ‘Wild Sockeye as Grain’ * Sriling ateaks 22.02/kq Salmon Portions Breads naturally aged a a Lavin 21 di frozen, 340 g all varieties, 600 g y, “lb 8.80/kg py - Canadian Atlantic Snow Crab Clusters previously frozen, arriving from Nova Scotia Farm Boy” Farm Boy” . Stone-Baked Pizza all varieties, frozen, 330-375 g oes, Me ay | Tia Earth's Own Plant-Based Beverages select varieties, 1.75-1.89 L 38" saskatoon Berry Pie | 99 baked fresh in-store, 620 g egan ARTH's 9 9 Farm Boy” Brioche Regular or Sesame, 4x57 g con h BO a a ~ z Multi Grain Ay f Hamburger Buns Cheerios St. Albert Dairy Co-Op Cheddar Cheese Marble, Medium, or Mild; cut, shredded, or sliced; product of Canada a 7 Farm "Boy" — is = New York Flies Meats Smoked Pastrami, Smoked Brisket, or Corned Beef Cheenios |Cheeries | a Ces 9 9 Gras Mills, Multi Grain 342g > Oe en we ee iH SPECIALS IN EFFECT ‘ta . eee Teeny 13 to Wednesday, July 19, 2023. Prices valid sat Bay sors eciteaubhetiu ovals IEG Vk urlionipe pany Anas sit for store addresses and hours. Not all products available at all stores. @ollictaliceesboy eo

Latest flyers

Sweet & Juicy we Extra Large « Cherries no. 1 grade, product of USA Broccoli product of Canada at aa ss Cut from Canada AAA Beef 9 Green Ocean 9 9 ' 9 9 ere 5 D te TricTip g) %> ‘Wild Sockeye as Grain’ * Sriling ateaks 22.02/kq Salmon Portions Breads naturally aged a a Lavin 21 di frozen, 340 g all varieties, 600 g y, “lb 8.80/kg py - Canadian Atlantic Snow Crab Clusters previously frozen, arriving from Nova Scotia Farm Boy” Farm Boy” . Stone-Baked Pizza all varieties, frozen, 330-375 g oes, Me ay | Tia Earth's Own Plant-Based Beverages select varieties, 1.75-1.89 L 38" saskatoon Berry Pie | 99 baked fresh in-store, 620 g egan ARTH's 9 9 Farm Boy” Brioche Regular or Sesame, 4x57 g con h BO a a ~ z Multi Grain Ay f Hamburger Buns Cheerios St. Albert Dairy Co-Op Cheddar Cheese Marble, Medium, or Mild; cut, shredded, or sliced; product of Canada a 7 Farm "Boy" — is = New York Flies Meats Smoked Pastrami, Smoked Brisket, or Corned Beef Cheenios |Cheeries | a Ces 9 9 Gras Mills, Multi Grain 342g > Oe en we ee iH SPECIALS IN EFFECT ‘ta . eee Teeny 13 to Wednesday, July 19, 2023. Prices valid sat Bay sors eciteaubhetiu ovals IEG Vk urlionipe pany Anas sit for store addresses and hours. Not all products available at all stores. @ollictaliceesboy eo

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