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Current flyer Foodland - Valid from 19.01 to 25.01 - Page nb 4

Flyer Foodland 19.01.2023 - 25.01.2023

Products in this flyer

14 oe al 7) 2 Oo ee co?) a = O - Ke) — e) S © Sg a eee id il ” Hy = =] = [ Scene: ADD REWARDS TO YOUR SHOPPING LIST Everyday offers and rT Poe id compliments CORN barat Brirersscy SUR BATONNETS at.) a: a us LS Al 999 10mm COMPLIMENTS Corn Dogs 1.35 kg OF ED wae 77? PST Ds Plateilate Relate er any personalized grocery offers ae laa PlteEe lll) points at your Lc) bread partner CHICKEN & GYRO SCHNEIDERS Bacon 375 g OLIVIER! Regular Pasta or Pa) nT 1499 SWISS CHALET Pork Back Ribs, BBQ or Honey Garlic GOO g Oo ed CHEETOS Mac ’N Cheese 160-170 g TY when you buy 3 Paes GAIN 2X Liquid Lemay Detergent ren) 0] 0) pus Ay 3%? SMART. ONES Entrée: 4 255, 999 A4 «. CATELLI Garden Select Pasta Sauce 640 mL on) 0] 0) a) a a) Lead Ded QUAKER Oat Flour or ta Mix 399 COMPLIMENTS Plastic Wra roe 4a Mus os 2 3%? KELLOGG'S Eggo Waffles or Pancakes selected 270-330 g «4 Lo} 0 yan Man unt al “13 > MARCANGELO Chicken or Pork Gyro Kits 788 ¢ Pea (ele Prenat te =_ 6 CS a Pon a) e oe ee Cuvier Regular 160 g or ake snake 3%? e cee KRAFT Shake ‘n Bake 140-184 g om fs Tey Pe nes 8°? : ROBIN HOOD ORGANIC Flour 2 kg or Gluten Free Flour Pores OLD SPICE Body Wash 73-532 mL 357? x CLOVER LEAF Piok Salmon

Latest flyers

14 oe al 7) 2 Oo ee co?) a = O - Ke) — e) S © Sg a eee id il ” Hy = =] = [ Scene: ADD REWARDS TO YOUR SHOPPING LIST Everyday offers and rT Poe id compliments CORN barat Brirersscy SUR BATONNETS at.) a: a us LS Al 999 10mm COMPLIMENTS Corn Dogs 1.35 kg OF ED wae 77? PST Ds Plateilate Relate er any personalized grocery offers ae laa PlteEe lll) points at your Lc) bread partner CHICKEN & GYRO SCHNEIDERS Bacon 375 g OLIVIER! Regular Pasta or Pa) nT 1499 SWISS CHALET Pork Back Ribs, BBQ or Honey Garlic GOO g Oo ed CHEETOS Mac ’N Cheese 160-170 g TY when you buy 3 Paes GAIN 2X Liquid Lemay Detergent ren) 0] 0) pus Ay 3%? SMART. ONES Entrée: 4 255, 999 A4 «. CATELLI Garden Select Pasta Sauce 640 mL on) 0] 0) a) a a) Lead Ded QUAKER Oat Flour or ta Mix 399 COMPLIMENTS Plastic Wra roe 4a Mus os 2 3%? KELLOGG'S Eggo Waffles or Pancakes selected 270-330 g «4 Lo} 0 yan Man unt al “13 > MARCANGELO Chicken or Pork Gyro Kits 788 ¢ Pea (ele Prenat te =_ 6 CS a Pon a) e oe ee Cuvier Regular 160 g or ake snake 3%? e cee KRAFT Shake ‘n Bake 140-184 g om fs Tey Pe nes 8°? : ROBIN HOOD ORGANIC Flour 2 kg or Gluten Free Flour Pores OLD SPICE Body Wash 73-532 mL 357? x CLOVER LEAF Piok Salmon

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