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Current flyer Foodland - Valid from 03.11 to 09.11 - Page nb 11

Flyer Foodland 03.11.2022 - 09.11.2022

Products in this flyer

DELISSIO — is Dee tic) Rising Crust = Se a Cara 0 a Deseo Serr er Ao Piercy HAAGEN-DAZS Ice Cream - a. > bes rt or Real ‘ ta Corsa VANILLA ALMON' LorSel Uitte cance Novelties 4-10 00 RASPRER?Y Selection may vary cut eT FRAMED = by locations ——$———— ‘eo, Nestlé. MEET THE ULTIMATE KITCHEN WORKHORSE GOOD FATS FROM AVOCADOS PILLSBURY Pizza Pops select ed varieties NEUTRAL FLAVOUR GREAT FOR HIGH HEAT COOKING CHOSEN FOODS 99 Avocado Oil 750 mL @chosenfoods / 250-5 selected varieties mu 475-778 g OLD EL PASO GENERAL MILLS Dinner Kit 49 Family Size selected varieties Cereal CRACKER BARREL Cheese Sauce Kits 271-280 g aed ore are Meni ee a irkiing Water Beverage T2x3S5 mt any flavour KRAFT Parmesan Tubs Refrigerated 141 g : 49 Cc> D8 5. SS i reo ASTRO ome = ee PARKAY t z 99 CRACKER BARREL Shredded Cheese PARKAY 250-320 g Margarine 427 g hYor- tal) cet 500 (Fs) Niel coe Sh aa ret coe eer He ud eacetnas c yooh) ECs CQRE ai EARN SCENE+ POINTS 2222" | ase

Latest flyers

DELISSIO — is Dee tic) Rising Crust = Se a Cara 0 a Deseo Serr er Ao Piercy HAAGEN-DAZS Ice Cream - a. > bes rt or Real ‘ ta Corsa VANILLA ALMON' LorSel Uitte cance Novelties 4-10 00 RASPRER?Y Selection may vary cut eT FRAMED = by locations ——$———— ‘eo, Nestlé. MEET THE ULTIMATE KITCHEN WORKHORSE GOOD FATS FROM AVOCADOS PILLSBURY Pizza Pops select ed varieties NEUTRAL FLAVOUR GREAT FOR HIGH HEAT COOKING CHOSEN FOODS 99 Avocado Oil 750 mL @chosenfoods / 250-5 selected varieties mu 475-778 g OLD EL PASO GENERAL MILLS Dinner Kit 49 Family Size selected varieties Cereal CRACKER BARREL Cheese Sauce Kits 271-280 g aed ore are Meni ee a irkiing Water Beverage T2x3S5 mt any flavour KRAFT Parmesan Tubs Refrigerated 141 g : 49 Cc> D8 5. SS i reo ASTRO ome = ee PARKAY t z 99 CRACKER BARREL Shredded Cheese PARKAY 250-320 g Margarine 427 g hYor- tal) cet 500 (Fs) Niel coe Sh aa ret coe eer He ud eacetnas c yooh) ECs CQRE ai EARN SCENE+ POINTS 2222" | ase

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