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100% FRESH QUONWQUACE yoy eyuiensnytcte remborvement Reswicboes apply see ter Getzts " Sheurteroraro 222 Celery AD arses sprouts COMPLIMENTS Coleslaw 397 ¢ or COMPANY asserted 680 ¢ product of USA Ld write micoor USA Garden Salad prodoct of USA 240 g " 349] WD 4: 439) 99 Large Navel Oranges 1 product of Spain, Merecce Yellow Flesh Peaches or Nectarines Large Pineapples product of Costa Rica or or Egypt 4.33/kg product of Chile no 1 grade 7.69/kg Prepared Fresh Daily Cored Pineapples product of Mexico no 1 grade 170g 2 Ss Ze («| SCHNEIDERS Ham 600-700 im Peameal-Style Extra Lean Ground Beef Bacon 8.80/kg Family Size 17.51/ig 15° MAPLE LEAF or 399 Cured Pork Lain é ra Eye of Round Roasts Cut by your meat expert from Canada AAA grade beet 22.02/Kg “you bey a ple protect trom our store, ese De prodect 2s tended, nad Be prodect Gees not meet pose expectations you Cam present the progoct andlor receigt and we wil provide yoo wth the approp Boneless Pork Shoulder . Blade Roasts cut in-store by ' y x " your local meat expert 9.90/kg * t ‘ ho ed yay 399° 7 99 woe SCHNEIDERS Pork Shoulder Blade Ste: 799 geen — COMPLIMENTS Lasagna, 4 rus Rounds, Ex ites or Poacher oreout tesatens year loeal meat eget 308 Meat Pies 224-400 Chicken or Beet Meat Pies S60 ¢-1 kz your local meat expert 8.80/kg Om . Nb ae) RAISED baile (ay baile Cy COMPLIMENTS Shrimp 71-90 ct, raw 349 Imitation Crab or ‘cooked or Bay Scallops 80-120 ct 340 g Lobster Meat 227 Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs 3.$0/k¢ Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts ( Ava at 4 % most stores. ' most stores: =|. natural . 2 ad oT A SAVE 50‘ MAPLE LEAF 9 % Natural Selections eee ince 150 6° Min matin 8 selected 150-175 ¢ Mini Muffins 336 ¢ 7% G23 aT 49 —a * when you buy 2 49 ens 1a) 29 1008 PANACHE COMPLIMENTS Double Cream Brie or Panini or Calabrese Dutch Crunch or Chicken or Turkey Camembert 170-200 ¢ Buns 6 pk 250-480 ¢ Soft Italia Bread 450 ¢ Avadabie at ‘ 16%.,.... EC) . 19® = ee ie kg Available chilled Asian Style Citrus Chicken Wrap ‘Sandwich selected varieties 218-300 g
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