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SAUSAGE | Pe DAE aie i PN a tal eee te day mY prs Pee SSC erect) fort aaat . sieais CASTELLO arian CAMEMBERT Lo 1099 =" 99 tse COCA-COLA Mini Bottles 81300 ml or SCHNEIDERS AMA Sparkling Water 121355 ml Pepperettes 300-375 ¢ Cheez Whiz 450g selected varieties 125-384 g LE 2 WR LS A i eS | 4 . ) 299 , | 99 a KELLOGG'S or POST Cereal 210-525 ¢. KRAFT Singles 410 or j Nutr-Grain Bars, Rice Krispies Squares or Pop-Tarts — |5° we = HEINZ Pasta or Beans 388 mi 710-880 mt selected varieties 750 mt EAS LAL oS ec 0 1. NESTLE Turtles 245-350 ¢ or 135-225 g, Bites 200 g, Ater Eight Gift Box 260 ¢ Crisps 100 g or Vinta Crackers selected 4-12 pk white supplies last 200-225 g S GET 650 Ps WHEN YOUSPENDSSOON @ i Erste tad fok=) a= ake The Sceoes Leyaty Program is nealatie ot a8 participating Foodland locations. Me base Scenes poiets earned. See weehiy otters ter coreat ways to earn Sceees pois and vist bitgs/iwwe sceneples caterms-2eé-conditions fe see fel Terms 2d Conditions. Al weekly Scenes otters exclatetaves, dewey charges, bil payments. service fees, rental es, evect Uchets, pt cards, fai day prodects le Aantic regions prepa cards. povtal progacts and services, Wexters ies, McCafe*/Tim Morteea®? Startecks* protects and verwices in velect epions, prescription érogs, tee prencriten pharmacy services, lquet aad aicobotc beverages, tabacce predects,ltiery, pats nahing, epouts, eevwuamestai charges. fuel and ether gonds nnd services which bee ton-dincooetatie or excluded by lam Redeees 1,008 Scene. poiats foc $18 towards your parchave op $2 2 masimam ef 0.600 Scenes points (egeraleat te SSE6) pec day For tell Seve Terms Ceesitions ote reeem poor poles. walt Migs we sceepivs caterm-asé conditions Al tfers are subject to change a0d may be withérawr wethoot ootice trademarks of Scene Phx IP Cerporabee eved ender hceeue by Sobers Cantal lncorperated ELS A A Te | Weebly otters are avaiable nly whde tupphet lst
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