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Current flyer Foodland - Valid from 08.09 to 14.09 - Page nb 2

Flyer Foodland 08.09.2022 - 14.09.2022

Products in this flyer

Red Grapefruit product of South Africa 1.36 kg 699) 30% Limes product ae “@ of Mexico gn ’ % 454g S 49 ) ice ar product of Mexico 5 pk ~ Lemons product of South Africa 907 g © 7926 Celery Hearts Canada no} Kiwi product of New Zealand 454 g ee aa Oe ataiee POTATO Compan COMPANY Kits product of Canada. FRPP Canada no 1 or product of USA, no | grade 454g > ¥ S “ 4 y COMPLIMENTS Mini Potatoes product of Canada, ig) eae | wae LL Canada no 1 or product of USA, no 1 grade 680 g Available at most stores A199 ° = 6 COMPLIMENTS Roasted COMPLIMENTS Milk Chocolate NATUR SOURCE Mixed Nuts Almonds salted or unsalted Covered Almonds 350 g selected 500-600 g 275g Available at most stores. s a 99 Phalaenopsis OWN IN ONTARIO Orchids in Fall Harvest Mum Ceramic Pot WN IN CANADA assorted colours 12" pot assorted sizes Pelee or Pot Mums 6” Selection may vary by store Bagels 4 pk 450 g All Butter Danish 4 pk 350g Dessert Bars 8 pk 450-470 g Tray or Butter Topped Buns 12 pk 400 g In-Store

Latest flyers

Red Grapefruit product of South Africa 1.36 kg 699) 30% Limes product ae “@ of Mexico gn ’ % 454g S 49 ) ice ar product of Mexico 5 pk ~ Lemons product of South Africa 907 g © 7926 Celery Hearts Canada no} Kiwi product of New Zealand 454 g ee aa Oe ataiee POTATO Compan COMPANY Kits product of Canada. FRPP Canada no 1 or product of USA, no | grade 454g > ¥ S “ 4 y COMPLIMENTS Mini Potatoes product of Canada, ig) eae | wae LL Canada no 1 or product of USA, no 1 grade 680 g Available at most stores A199 ° = 6 COMPLIMENTS Roasted COMPLIMENTS Milk Chocolate NATUR SOURCE Mixed Nuts Almonds salted or unsalted Covered Almonds 350 g selected 500-600 g 275g Available at most stores. s a 99 Phalaenopsis OWN IN ONTARIO Orchids in Fall Harvest Mum Ceramic Pot WN IN CANADA assorted colours 12" pot assorted sizes Pelee or Pot Mums 6” Selection may vary by store Bagels 4 pk 450 g All Butter Danish 4 pk 350g Dessert Bars 8 pk 450-470 g Tray or Butter Topped Buns 12 pk 400 g In-Store

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