Products in this flyer
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts BUTCHER'S SELECTION Stampede Hot Dogs 900 g n4” y BAXTER’S Butter Tarts Mini Strudel classic, raisin or pecan assorted 280 g 480-510 g Sp FREE a Scoot Fe Pe P ON ainbow Peppers Red Cluster Tomatoes on the Vine 3.28/kg CHRISTIE Crackers Ritz, Wheat or Vegetable Thins, COMPLIMENTS . oy . Cheese Nibs or fh t it Canned Legumes Bits Toppables or FISCUIT cio entoes Triscuit 175-386 g Ky 540-796 mL or selected varieties Flaked Meat 156 g 3/$7 =i <—F 4/$5 aie a = TROPICANA Premium Orange Juice COMPLIMENTS not from concentrate : Cheese 270 g or 263L Tropicana Natural Slices 210-230 g 649 Tropicana 449 IN Poa) Ja Bele) a when you buy 2 when you buy 2 2/$ 99 QO roverrese COMPLIMENTS COCA-COLA or PEPSI! Sockeye Salmon 213 g or Frozen Vegetables Soft Drinks or AQUAFINA COMPLIMENTS Mayonnaise selected 500-750 g Water 6x710 mL 890 mL 4 4 4g with MUSKOKA Coffee Scene+ 400-454 g or Pods Cord 20 pk AQ without CAMPBELL'S Broth { . Wele) = 900 mL or Concentrated ya Broth 250 mL Te Scemes Loyalty Prngrar s avaiable a participating Found locations. No ase Scenes poiets eared See weekly cers fr cument way to ean Sees points and vst Betp. wn Sceneps ca tenmsand conétions to ie hl Terms and Conditions. Ad weekly Scene» cles exchade tase, delivery Charges, Bal payments. service fees, revel eek eweet chats. gt carts fed dary peat in Atlante means pre-pait cards postal prodcts and services, Western Une, MeCaleTim Hortens'/Stavtsths’ products and services yelec regjons, prexription crash. sce prescription pharmaxy seneces, Squer and akcholc beverages tobacco products litte, pots fnnhing, depots. emsironenertal charge, tae and other gooch and vervices which are non dex outaile or exc by law. Redeem 1,000 Scene poles tor 510 tomants your purine up toa manienam of $0,000 Scenes point (equivalent to $300) per day. For hal Scene Terms & Condos crt redeem your points, vt https: www sceneph caters and-condtions Molter are spect to charge aed may be withdezwn mithout netie. Teademacs of Scene Pht I Corporation sed under beenae by Sebeys Capital bce peta Woekiy otters are avasatie onty whée 1upptes last Advertised prices co not inchuce any sopiKathe Les OF GeoOEES Samngs based on CUF regular retails We reverve fhe righ to bent quantities to reasonable family eequeements Text crevails when a photo does net correspend to the descrgtion Dealer may sel for lest. “Save oft thes price” retads refer to the regular comoebtie theif price at most locabons. In stores open 24 hours flyer pres are ettective from & am Thuruday nb Mower Wednenday
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