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Current flyer Foodland - Christmas - Valid from 08.12 to 14.12 - Page nb 4

Flyer Foodland 08.12.2022 - 14.12.2022

Products in this flyer

nl ; Teun 130 mL, Large or A Mini Crisps 150 g cotter PANACHE Pea tees while supplies last Fae * etsy - _ poner Terri ” 4 F 4 ; Preset blot d : Yy . » 4 CLASSIC WATER CRACKERS A En OLE eee tonad coaemttenee” Cee dean gee ee raed Narn ed * when you buy 2 QQ without PANACHE be ee ea ea le 7 Scones Cheesecakes 3. Ee ys ae COMPLIMENTS Marshmallows 250 g ed “ HOLIDAY COOKIES spectral Petts ac) erty Pete huis eet) per g Lear cae ey . fea - ¢ ee: . Sez Re ee ee tom ee L ie Sores ea 4 Peed Ee eT) RAISINS Serer d Aer $° i (eleleyiary 2500 PTS ; Bue when you spend $1000rmore when you spend $200 or more MADE TO ORDER TRAYS FOR THE HOLIDAYS

Latest flyers

nl ; Teun 130 mL, Large or A Mini Crisps 150 g cotter PANACHE Pea tees while supplies last Fae * etsy - _ poner Terri ” 4 F 4 ; Preset blot d : Yy . » 4 CLASSIC WATER CRACKERS A En OLE eee tonad coaemttenee” Cee dean gee ee raed Narn ed * when you buy 2 QQ without PANACHE be ee ea ea le 7 Scones Cheesecakes 3. Ee ys ae COMPLIMENTS Marshmallows 250 g ed “ HOLIDAY COOKIES spectral Petts ac) erty Pete huis eet) per g Lear cae ey . fea - ¢ ee: . Sez Re ee ee tom ee L ie Sores ea 4 Peed Ee eT) RAISINS Serer d Aer $° i (eleleyiary 2500 PTS ; Bue when you spend $1000rmore when you spend $200 or more MADE TO ORDER TRAYS FOR THE HOLIDAYS

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