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Current flyer Fortinos - Easter - Valid from 06.04 to 08.04 - Page nb 6

Flyer Fortinos 06.04.2023 - 08.04.2023

Products in this flyer

OG ~ ce (ATES } ee ~ Young Takes HAYTER’ ration "YOUNG TURKEY a JEUNE DINDON “yi} Jjawie dindĂ©n amily-Owr ey td ssn WITHOUT AN located in Dashwood, Ontario. Hayter’s : — ' v turkeys are raised in spacious open-sided estan area | FRESH y barns with much care and attention on WY = g } the feed. Hayter's is the only farm in a Canada that raises and processes on-site bid _aayter 's Farm raised Âź ensuring strict best practices throughout 99: ; without antibiotics 49 fret ong all stages resulting in superior taste, Ib fresh Grade A turkey Ib. fresh young turkey freshness & nutrition. 659mg _2ll available sizes 5.49Kg _ ll available sizes Eh en \ Burrersaut Infused with Pay still) Youne rurxey Normandy-style _uayey crown Gy: ao trees fee 5 ee ATRYN) ffed + F Poulter Fnfiuned | wings & back ‘Btn une. funĂ©mbetrnre's removed leaving rjc tender all-white : DINDON ro ‘CouRowNe DE MDE (or, PCÂź butter ‘ PC2butter’ Easy to “" ape Beep infused a frozen turkey oe getitod) fresh turkey SS frozen turkey eee butter 49 all available Oi all available IB’al available ib all available ID ntusea sizes sizes sizes sizes turkey crown 5.49/kg, 5.93/kg 6.59/kg 5.05/kg > PCÂź hickory 7 Ib Cook's Ib smoked aa PCÂź boneless gue Comish hen 99 frozen portion ham spiral ham spiral ham frozen, Grade A quail 6.15/kg 13.21/kg 15.41/kg 11.00/kg > ‘== Maple'Leaf or'Schneiders bacon 375 g or Maple Leaf Springer’ 's Springer’ 's fo cooked sausage smoked smoked poe Springer’s 629 patties or links 300 g 39% pork picnic 449» turkey 449 b portion 6299": b aa Forest selected varieties shoulder drumstick bone-in ham each 8.80/kg 9.90/kg 9.90/kg 15.4 1/kg FORT 5

OG ~ ce (ATES } ee ~ Young Takes HAYTER’ ration "YOUNG TURKEY a JEUNE DINDON “yi} Jjawie dindĂ©n amily-Owr ey td ssn WITHOUT AN located in Dashwood, Ontario. Hayter’s : — ' v turkeys are raised in spacious open-sided estan area | FRESH y barns with much care and attention on WY = g } the feed. Hayter's is the only farm in a Canada that raises and processes on-site bid _aayter 's Farm raised Âź ensuring strict best practices throughout 99: ; without antibiotics 49 fret ong all stages resulting in superior taste, Ib fresh Grade A turkey Ib. fresh young turkey freshness & nutrition. 659mg _2ll available sizes 5.49Kg _ ll available sizes Eh en \ Burrersaut Infused with Pay still) Youne rurxey Normandy-style _uayey crown Gy: ao trees fee 5 ee ATRYN) ffed + F Poulter Fnfiuned | wings & back ‘Btn une. funĂ©mbetrnre's removed leaving rjc tender all-white : DINDON ro ‘CouRowNe DE MDE (or, PCÂź butter ‘ PC2butter’ Easy to “" ape Beep infused a frozen turkey oe getitod) fresh turkey SS frozen turkey eee butter 49 all available Oi all available IB’al available ib all available ID ntusea sizes sizes sizes sizes turkey crown 5.49/kg, 5.93/kg 6.59/kg 5.05/kg > PCÂź hickory 7 Ib Cook's Ib smoked aa PCÂź boneless gue Comish hen 99 frozen portion ham spiral ham spiral ham frozen, Grade A quail 6.15/kg 13.21/kg 15.41/kg 11.00/kg > ‘== Maple'Leaf or'Schneiders bacon 375 g or Maple Leaf Springer’ 's Springer’ 's fo cooked sausage smoked smoked poe Springer’s 629 patties or links 300 g 39% pork picnic 449» turkey 449 b portion 6299": b aa Forest selected varieties shoulder drumstick bone-in ham each 8.80/kg 9.90/kg 9.90/kg 15.4 1/kg FORT 5

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