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Current flyer Fortinos - Thanksgiving Day - Valid from 29.09 to 05.10 - Page nb 7

Flyer Fortinos 29.09.2022 - 05.10.2022

Products in this flyer

TOOT OSA NO. RTUTEESEDNOT Fresh Cranberries @S Fraiches ae 0 eae x sweet or Honeycrisp apples Ocean Spray cranberries baking potatoes = butternut, acorn, Ib prodtict„oF Ontario, product of U.S.A., ID product of U.S.A. IIb, spaghetti or buttercup Canada no. 1 grade no. 1 grade s0/kg, 340g no. 1 grade ‘squash product of Ontario 3.73ikg 3.28/kg, lemons product of South Africa 54,99 2 Ib Be cola or peaches large lemons Cy iicintosh apples . yellow onions 3 Ib, Ib product of U.S.A., product of product of Ontario, product of Ontario, no. 1 grade South Africa Canada no.1 grade Canada no. 1 grade 8.80/kg each AM, P a cippollini‘onions: — By Sec Le y, = cea of Canada) Foodland 2 Icarrots’2 |b, or U:SIA., Canada large' Italian) long Roma iproduct of Ontario, ~~ no. 1 grade or curly parsley tomatoes Canada no. 1 grade pomegranates Ib or shallots product of Ib product of Ontario, or pie pumpkins product of U.S.A. product of Canada Canada Canada no.1 = product of Canada each 6.59Kg each 4.39hkg each Bartlett pears product of U.S.A., organic Bae ang c Li Snapper TEPEED organic’ blackberries green or red —= organic apples Os of U S.A. awb cmos ‘or raspberries eStless grapes selected varieties, Ov of Canada, product of U.S.A. Ib product of U.S.A, product of U.S.A., nol grade Canada no. 1 grade or Mexico no. 1 grade Extra Fancy grade 454g 227g 170g 11.00/kg 3b FORT 2

Latest flyers

TOOT OSA NO. RTUTEESEDNOT Fresh Cranberries @S Fraiches ae 0 eae x sweet or Honeycrisp apples Ocean Spray cranberries baking potatoes = butternut, acorn, Ib prodtict„oF Ontario, product of U.S.A., ID product of U.S.A. IIb, spaghetti or buttercup Canada no. 1 grade no. 1 grade s0/kg, 340g no. 1 grade ‘squash product of Ontario 3.73ikg 3.28/kg, lemons product of South Africa 54,99 2 Ib Be cola or peaches large lemons Cy iicintosh apples . yellow onions 3 Ib, Ib product of U.S.A., product of product of Ontario, product of Ontario, no. 1 grade South Africa Canada no.1 grade Canada no. 1 grade 8.80/kg each AM, P a cippollini‘onions: — By Sec Le y, = cea of Canada) Foodland 2 Icarrots’2 |b, or U:SIA., Canada large' Italian) long Roma iproduct of Ontario, ~~ no. 1 grade or curly parsley tomatoes Canada no. 1 grade pomegranates Ib or shallots product of Ib product of Ontario, or pie pumpkins product of U.S.A. product of Canada Canada Canada no.1 = product of Canada each 6.59Kg each 4.39hkg each Bartlett pears product of U.S.A., organic Bae ang c Li Snapper TEPEED organic’ blackberries green or red —= organic apples Os of U S.A. awb cmos ‘or raspberries eStless grapes selected varieties, Ov of Canada, product of U.S.A. Ib product of U.S.A, product of U.S.A., nol grade Canada no. 1 grade or Mexico no. 1 grade Extra Fancy grade 454g 227g 170g 11.00/kg 3b FORT 2

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