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Current flyer FreshCo - Valid from 10.11 to 16.11 - Page nb 3

Flyer FreshCo 10.11.2022 - 16.11.2022

Products in this flyer

\ BUTTERY EC Quaker Crispy Minis 100 g or Rice Cakes 127-199 g Croustilles de riz ou galettes de riz or yan 2-200 Fs Pn te —_— 99 AHA Sparkling Water a 12x355 mL Eau pétiliante nn ed sr, Tay Compliments AE) Baby Arugula, Spinach or Spring Mix 142 ¢ Jeune roquette. épinards ou mélange printanier ree bol 8a Paneth 23 Maple Leaf Prime Raised Without Antibiotics Breaded Chicken or Stuffed Chicken Breasts Frozen 560-581 g Laniéres de poulet NOT ASCENE+ ALREADY A MEMBER? SCENE+ MEMBER? * Sign up for a Scene+ card + Find your Scene+ card number or * Add Scene+ card to your have your digital card sent to you rats wallet * Add Scene+ card to your digital wallet yd F “ah | fe] ia = ns ——- re! MS oe a 2 ome ME) coe ast us g oo e fs leet le

\ BUTTERY EC Quaker Crispy Minis 100 g or Rice Cakes 127-199 g Croustilles de riz ou galettes de riz or yan 2-200 Fs Pn te —_— 99 AHA Sparkling Water a 12x355 mL Eau pétiliante nn ed sr, Tay Compliments AE) Baby Arugula, Spinach or Spring Mix 142 ¢ Jeune roquette. épinards ou mélange printanier ree bol 8a Paneth 23 Maple Leaf Prime Raised Without Antibiotics Breaded Chicken or Stuffed Chicken Breasts Frozen 560-581 g Laniéres de poulet NOT ASCENE+ ALREADY A MEMBER? SCENE+ MEMBER? * Sign up for a Scene+ card + Find your Scene+ card number or * Add Scene+ card to your have your digital card sent to you rats wallet * Add Scene+ card to your digital wallet yd F “ah | fe] ia = ns ——- re! MS oe a 2 ome ME) coe ast us g oo e fs leet le

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