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Current flyer FreshCo - Valid from 22.09 to 28.09 - Page nb 2

Flyer FreshCo 22.09.2022 - 28.09.2022

Products in this flyer

Compliments Carrots or Yellow Onions 3 |b bag Product of Ontario Blueberries 170 g Canada No. 1 Product of Peru No. 1 Grade 1.36 kg Bievets Carottes ou oignons Avocados 4 pk Product of Mexico Green Kiwi Fruit Cabbage Broccoli 600 g Product of Ontario Bunch Product of Chile Canada No. 1 Product of Canada Avocats, kw Chow Brocol i - Lemons Clementines 2 Ib bag 2b bag Product of Product of Baby Spinach or South Africa South Africa Product of Ontario Spring Mix 312 g 907 8 Canada No.1 Product of Canada Clémentines 5.49/kg. Jeunes épinards ou Choux de Bouxeses mélange prntanier DOUBLE ines VU RS Sa a GULLS ee ee a at Fresh Chicken Leg Quarters Back Attached 800 g Average Quarts de cuisse de poulet ( 510; " ~~ High Liner Family Baltic Gifts Smoked Favourites or Atlantic Salmon Signature Frozen 50g or Chicken Wings Frozen 350-700 g Pearimark Tuna Frozen 615 ¢ Selected Varieties Steak Frozen 113 g Poisson Saumon ou dame de thon Dempster ny or Cactus Pears 4 Ib CASE SALE — & 10 fe 1 oat oe tortilias ‘Salami Charcuterie en tranches. et é

Latest flyers

Compliments Carrots or Yellow Onions 3 |b bag Product of Ontario Blueberries 170 g Canada No. 1 Product of Peru No. 1 Grade 1.36 kg Bievets Carottes ou oignons Avocados 4 pk Product of Mexico Green Kiwi Fruit Cabbage Broccoli 600 g Product of Ontario Bunch Product of Chile Canada No. 1 Product of Canada Avocats, kw Chow Brocol i - Lemons Clementines 2 Ib bag 2b bag Product of Product of Baby Spinach or South Africa South Africa Product of Ontario Spring Mix 312 g 907 8 Canada No.1 Product of Canada Clémentines 5.49/kg. Jeunes épinards ou Choux de Bouxeses mélange prntanier DOUBLE ines VU RS Sa a GULLS ee ee a at Fresh Chicken Leg Quarters Back Attached 800 g Average Quarts de cuisse de poulet ( 510; " ~~ High Liner Family Baltic Gifts Smoked Favourites or Atlantic Salmon Signature Frozen 50g or Chicken Wings Frozen 350-700 g Pearimark Tuna Frozen 615 ¢ Selected Varieties Steak Frozen 113 g Poisson Saumon ou dame de thon Dempster ny or Cactus Pears 4 Ib CASE SALE — & 10 fe 1 oat oe tortilias ‘Salami Charcuterie en tranches. et é

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