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Current flyer Highland Farms - Valid from 01.12 to 07.12 - Page nb 4

Flyer Highland Farms 01.12.2022 - 07.12.2022

Products in this flyer

Fresh Boneless Beef Blade Roast Product of Canada D Greenfield Natural Meat Co. Bacon CAT Santa Lucia = LEP É Mozzarella Cheese Fresh Arctic Char Filets COMME MEN LUN ANTEIR 905.501.9910 Store Hours: Monday - Saturday: 7:00a.m. till 10:00p.m EE D TO TO DT AAC LR nu CR” Sunday: :00a.m. till 8:00p.m. Q rederd Qu ds 14 Y se Fresh Beef 7 à Fo Ontario f Va Fresh Ontario > Boneless lea ele : 210 Boneless Pork ; D '\e Blade Steak Ÿ 4 Snouider Blade Y À > / A Shoulder Blade Se v Product of Canada & Chops F on Roast CE D ratés au Er Greenfield sonne Janes Pub Style Natural Meat Co. at Pies Chicken Nuggets, ‘Wieners or Schneiders Bat sr Chicken Strips, Burgers, Fries All Beef Wieners Froz or Popcorn Chicken Regular or BBQ Size Frozen Santa Lucia Mastro Mastro Casalingo é Mascarpone Sliced Salami Salami Hot or Mild sente, Calabrese or Sopressata Hot or Ml see Fresh Lil co High Liner Pan-Sear Selects or Signature Cuts Selected Varieties 99 Product of Iceland 1 11.00/kg 850 ELLESMERE RD. CELUI LE Be AT KENNEDY RD. AT MAJOR MACKENZIE DR. W. ee 416.298.1999 CLEA] CE pre ÉTUT OO OT EE ee CS IE nr UOTE ne CE TO COL"

Latest flyers

Fresh Boneless Beef Blade Roast Product of Canada D Greenfield Natural Meat Co. Bacon CAT Santa Lucia = LEP É Mozzarella Cheese Fresh Arctic Char Filets COMME MEN LUN ANTEIR 905.501.9910 Store Hours: Monday - Saturday: 7:00a.m. till 10:00p.m EE D TO TO DT AAC LR nu CR” Sunday: :00a.m. till 8:00p.m. Q rederd Qu ds 14 Y se Fresh Beef 7 à Fo Ontario f Va Fresh Ontario > Boneless lea ele : 210 Boneless Pork ; D '\e Blade Steak Ÿ 4 Snouider Blade Y À > / A Shoulder Blade Se v Product of Canada & Chops F on Roast CE D ratés au Er Greenfield sonne Janes Pub Style Natural Meat Co. at Pies Chicken Nuggets, ‘Wieners or Schneiders Bat sr Chicken Strips, Burgers, Fries All Beef Wieners Froz or Popcorn Chicken Regular or BBQ Size Frozen Santa Lucia Mastro Mastro Casalingo é Mascarpone Sliced Salami Salami Hot or Mild sente, Calabrese or Sopressata Hot or Ml see Fresh Lil co High Liner Pan-Sear Selects or Signature Cuts Selected Varieties 99 Product of Iceland 1 11.00/kg 850 ELLESMERE RD. CELUI LE Be AT KENNEDY RD. AT MAJOR MACKENZIE DR. W. ee 416.298.1999 CLEA] CE pre ÉTUT OO OT EE ee CS IE nr UOTE ne CE TO COL"

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