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Current flyer Home Hardware - Valid from 15.09 to 21.09 - Page nb 1

Flyer Home Hardware 15.09.2022 - 21.09.2022

Products in this flyer

PUT ee aU a tei eerie Re Vu oid FOUR |SEASONS 4-in-1 NYA eee ss Air Purifier rs sures aS Heater We sere tha right te HIS BENCHMARK Fan SAVE Pan ry 2 tlh. Humidifier ie Adjustable temperature and humidity. 3838-006 — Was $239.99 — "1897 Was $19.99. = 32 Pc. Power 27 Drill & Driver Bit Set J s,. 87-48 wr oe POET CC Cy Cat he “ | cetera a > E scanada” 48” T8 Fluorescent Tubes Wassiz99 SES TS BENCHMARK A wire 32W, 3648-813, 3649-499/665, 4 I Pack 4 aa x VE = t Cy 2 SF, 4 ‘i i. Ultra Gel” Control® Super Glue 4 mL. 2010-177 Heavy Duty Was $10.99 Snap-Off Utility Knife aw Includes 4 - 18 mm blades. 657 Outdoor Lighted Was $47.99 1034-320, Extension Cord 2997 ‘Wren UitySnap-OF Blader 103489 Win 499 2.97 Pack of 5 7.6 m. 3628-967 een SAVE!35200 Benchmark Outdoor ae , Heavy Duty Cleaner 41. 4520-575 Wes $31.99 @ Kid an We ere eliz Ch ae ae 100% Acrylic Trim & Door Pearl Paint Scrub and stain resistant, urethane enhanced for ultimate durability. Interior/exterior. 34 L- 3,7 L. 1858-602/606/615/616/618 be DOOR Was $71.99 60°” Smoke Alarms Was $35.99 Includes batteries 7 3616-769 re ELECTRICALDEVICES SA mm) 30%1| SAVE 20 Toner Tam ea Ct) is a Rese rent crcl Fall Lawn Food maa eas Bad URAMAX Grub B Gon by, Blue Painter’s Tape f Max® Grub 24 mm x 54.8 m. Killer 1670-105 Covers up to 1345 5q. ft. 1a kg. 3046-191 Downspout Extensions Assorted colours. 2630-095/291/510/S11/516 z Was $11.99 Was $34.99 Was $7.49 i . 29% 5 Cones vp 10296059 ft 0 36 mm +548 m 707 Was 5899 AT 5 5046-192 Was $69.99 59.47 48 mom x 4.8m. 1670-188 Was $2299 9.67 fed de onus ce Home Store Owners may limit quantities.

Latest flyers

PUT ee aU a tei eerie Re Vu oid FOUR |SEASONS 4-in-1 NYA eee ss Air Purifier rs sures aS Heater We sere tha right te HIS BENCHMARK Fan SAVE Pan ry 2 tlh. Humidifier ie Adjustable temperature and humidity. 3838-006 — Was $239.99 — "1897 Was $19.99. = 32 Pc. Power 27 Drill & Driver Bit Set J s,. 87-48 wr oe POET CC Cy Cat he “ | cetera a > E scanada” 48” T8 Fluorescent Tubes Wassiz99 SES TS BENCHMARK A wire 32W, 3648-813, 3649-499/665, 4 I Pack 4 aa x VE = t Cy 2 SF, 4 ‘i i. Ultra Gel” Control® Super Glue 4 mL. 2010-177 Heavy Duty Was $10.99 Snap-Off Utility Knife aw Includes 4 - 18 mm blades. 657 Outdoor Lighted Was $47.99 1034-320, Extension Cord 2997 ‘Wren UitySnap-OF Blader 103489 Win 499 2.97 Pack of 5 7.6 m. 3628-967 een SAVE!35200 Benchmark Outdoor ae , Heavy Duty Cleaner 41. 4520-575 Wes $31.99 @ Kid an We ere eliz Ch ae ae 100% Acrylic Trim & Door Pearl Paint Scrub and stain resistant, urethane enhanced for ultimate durability. Interior/exterior. 34 L- 3,7 L. 1858-602/606/615/616/618 be DOOR Was $71.99 60°” Smoke Alarms Was $35.99 Includes batteries 7 3616-769 re ELECTRICALDEVICES SA mm) 30%1| SAVE 20 Toner Tam ea Ct) is a Rese rent crcl Fall Lawn Food maa eas Bad URAMAX Grub B Gon by, Blue Painter’s Tape f Max® Grub 24 mm x 54.8 m. Killer 1670-105 Covers up to 1345 5q. ft. 1a kg. 3046-191 Downspout Extensions Assorted colours. 2630-095/291/510/S11/516 z Was $11.99 Was $34.99 Was $7.49 i . 29% 5 Cones vp 10296059 ft 0 36 mm +548 m 707 Was 5899 AT 5 5046-192 Was $69.99 59.47 48 mom x 4.8m. 1670-188 Was $2299 9.67 fed de onus ce Home Store Owners may limit quantities.

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