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Current flyer Independent - Valid from 29.09 to 05.10 - Page nb 1

Flyer Independent 29.09.2022 - 05.10.2022

Products in this flyer

“Independent Your Independent Grocer porkiside aoe whole) aaa ye Gsoikg i eotes de flanelee)porc Farmer's Market" red, shank or buty SSF white or yellow potatoes 4.39/kg / product of Atlantic Canada, jambonneau Coo} < Canada no. 1 grade zosssett xc 10 Ib pommes de terre rouges, blanch ou jaunes DĂ©lices du MarchĂ© \ satan, EAosneRNTON EA when you buy 2 less than2 I $3.49 ea. j ee fresh Atlantic Strawberries by : salmon fillets) N product of U.S.A\ 24.23/ks x no. 1 grade See 2 filets de saumonide) frameee Atlantique frais’ es710.K0 4 Soctebustt Prenat Black Diamond cheese bars ADL butter Ty a?" ice cream 1.5 L or ae Black eon Seg D selected varieties Popsicle novelties a = 454g i selected varieties froze pesleotbiat lime Demet beurre ADL i crĂ©me glacĂ©e Premium |} 73s Hu Black Diamond, es BARREL SALTED Scotsburn ou friandises \.A , fromage rapĂ© Bl: el glacĂ©es Popsicle \ Diamond ou Pc — : ‘Tinnees_ cxrzoNH CA aa een (aera tA = = when you buy 2 99... 2/5 ke less than 2 KINGCOLE {Seon ruck Pepsi soft drinks bean coffee 311-340 g, — selected varieties K-Cups 10's, cold brew 946 nia 412x355 mi i Kit Cashmere bathroom tissue 12 double rolls, SpongeTowels paper towels 6 rolls or Scotties facial tissue 6's selected varieties Cole 120-216's or Tetley tea’ ee 21's selected varieties TARE boissons gazeuses papier hygiĂ©nique Cashmere, ‘ou en grains, Pepsi essui is K-Cups, infuse A frold, semzonet2 cranmraeim, cx ou mouchoirs Scotties soc tame ta fe cafĂ© instantanĂ© Starbucks, = thĂ© King Cole ou Tetley serv 21S0568 CA Flyer prices effective from Thursday, September 29th to Wednesday, October 5th, 2022. SEE BACK PAGE FOR DETAILS. YA1

Latest flyers

“Independent Your Independent Grocer porkiside aoe whole) aaa ye Gsoikg i eotes de flanelee)porc Farmer's Market" red, shank or buty SSF white or yellow potatoes 4.39/kg / product of Atlantic Canada, jambonneau Coo} < Canada no. 1 grade zosssett xc 10 Ib pommes de terre rouges, blanch ou jaunes DĂ©lices du MarchĂ© \ satan, EAosneRNTON EA when you buy 2 less than2 I $3.49 ea. j ee fresh Atlantic Strawberries by : salmon fillets) N product of U.S.A\ 24.23/ks x no. 1 grade See 2 filets de saumonide) frameee Atlantique frais’ es710.K0 4 Soctebustt Prenat Black Diamond cheese bars ADL butter Ty a?" ice cream 1.5 L or ae Black eon Seg D selected varieties Popsicle novelties a = 454g i selected varieties froze pesleotbiat lime Demet beurre ADL i crĂ©me glacĂ©e Premium |} 73s Hu Black Diamond, es BARREL SALTED Scotsburn ou friandises \.A , fromage rapĂ© Bl: el glacĂ©es Popsicle \ Diamond ou Pc — : ‘Tinnees_ cxrzoNH CA aa een (aera tA = = when you buy 2 99... 2/5 ke less than 2 KINGCOLE {Seon ruck Pepsi soft drinks bean coffee 311-340 g, — selected varieties K-Cups 10's, cold brew 946 nia 412x355 mi i Kit Cashmere bathroom tissue 12 double rolls, SpongeTowels paper towels 6 rolls or Scotties facial tissue 6's selected varieties Cole 120-216's or Tetley tea’ ee 21's selected varieties TARE boissons gazeuses papier hygiĂ©nique Cashmere, ‘ou en grains, Pepsi essui is K-Cups, infuse A frold, semzonet2 cranmraeim, cx ou mouchoirs Scotties soc tame ta fe cafĂ© instantanĂ© Starbucks, = thĂ© King Cole ou Tetley serv 21S0568 CA Flyer prices effective from Thursday, September 29th to Wednesday, October 5th, 2022. SEE BACK PAGE FOR DETAILS. YA1

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