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Current flyer Independent - Valid from 29.09 to 05.10 - Page nb 1

Flyer Independent 29.09.2022 - 05.10.2022

Products in this flyer

“Indepen pork sideiribs a whole 6.59/kg 5 Farmer's Market” | Russet potatoes | product of Western when you buy 2 els less than 2 \ $3.49 ea. ! strawberries 1 |b product of U.S.A no. 1 grade or Provinces, Canada ee large cauliflower each no. 1 grade | product of Canada, 10 Ib { Canada no. 1 grade zacanago0n tA 2oee778001 EAHNSITON EA mi 99 i 99 | Canadian snow: — a no name* cheese bars crab clusters 700 g or PC* shredded 8 or more.per. = previouSly,frozen 48.48/ks arenes x6 cheese 620 g selected varieties: t med a Niosener EA27I230 EA PC* salsa or Starbucks ground or pasta sauce whole bean coffee selected varieties tran 311-340 g, K-Cups 10's, 650 mL Tues fe cold brew 946 mL or _eroateaeaEAzaDONEAO A instant coffee 90 g d selected varieties 2 eMERENOT EATONTONON CA when you buy 2 less than2 5 $3.99 ea. DoritosorCheetos im Pepsi soft drinks selected varieties selected varieties 155-300 g 24x355 mL ‘ioesni2 EA2EOSS_EA annoweanees.cawzrsesont c2t ndent Your Independent Grocer when you buy 2 ese || ! } 2) 946 less than 2 % oS $13 ea. * . a PC" Blue Menu" chicken breasts 3's or thighs 8's / boneless skinless Air Chilled 2082 EATONON EA 49 =... - Lactantia butter selected varieties 454 eagey12bes_EArnORDIS A PC* orange juice, iced tea or lemonade. selected varieties 1 54 214306 CATION TA et yt af, Dy Lents SpongeTowels paper, towels 6 rolls or Scotties facial tissue 6's selected varieties ainaas. Carri Flyer prices effective from Thursday, September 29th to Wednesday, October Sth, 2022. SEE BACK PAGE FOR DETAILS. wB1

Latest flyers

“Indepen pork sideiribs a whole 6.59/kg 5 Farmer's Market” | Russet potatoes | product of Western when you buy 2 els less than 2 \ $3.49 ea. ! strawberries 1 |b product of U.S.A no. 1 grade or Provinces, Canada ee large cauliflower each no. 1 grade | product of Canada, 10 Ib { Canada no. 1 grade zacanago0n tA 2oee778001 EAHNSITON EA mi 99 i 99 | Canadian snow: — a no name* cheese bars crab clusters 700 g or PC* shredded 8 or more.per. = previouSly,frozen 48.48/ks arenes x6 cheese 620 g selected varieties: t med a Niosener EA27I230 EA PC* salsa or Starbucks ground or pasta sauce whole bean coffee selected varieties tran 311-340 g, K-Cups 10's, 650 mL Tues fe cold brew 946 mL or _eroateaeaEAzaDONEAO A instant coffee 90 g d selected varieties 2 eMERENOT EATONTONON CA when you buy 2 less than2 5 $3.99 ea. DoritosorCheetos im Pepsi soft drinks selected varieties selected varieties 155-300 g 24x355 mL ‘ioesni2 EA2EOSS_EA annoweanees.cawzrsesont c2t ndent Your Independent Grocer when you buy 2 ese || ! } 2) 946 less than 2 % oS $13 ea. * . a PC" Blue Menu" chicken breasts 3's or thighs 8's / boneless skinless Air Chilled 2082 EATONON EA 49 =... - Lactantia butter selected varieties 454 eagey12bes_EArnORDIS A PC* orange juice, iced tea or lemonade. selected varieties 1 54 214306 CATION TA et yt af, Dy Lents SpongeTowels paper, towels 6 rolls or Scotties facial tissue 6's selected varieties ainaas. Carri Flyer prices effective from Thursday, September 29th to Wednesday, October Sth, 2022. SEE BACK PAGE FOR DETAILS. wB1

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