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Current flyer Jean Coutu - Valid from 16.03 to 22.03 - Page nb 5

Flyer Jean Coutu 16.03.2023 - 22.03.2023

Products in this flyer

Ibuprofen Caplets Caplets d"buprofene 1999 200 mg lbuprofene Ibuprofen Caplets, 500 Timbres de nicotine Nicotine patches 9 9 Embalige de iz Pack of7 Sass FYI n (esas 3% 12 ‘Suppositoires & la glycĂ©rine USP USP glycerin ‘suppositories, 12 Nicotine 11mg Vaporisateur Spray,2 AnalgĂ©siques topiques. Topic pain relief Produits sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected products 49°? 99 Antiacide / Antacid ComprimĂ©s a croquer Chewable tablets 82,115, ‘Soulagement immeĂ©diat des maux de dents FMP Immediate toothache jain relief Bel, 959 499 6°: ASPIRIN 81 mg | a eat tet et 199° bree ie here cte 449 SLEEP-EZE ‘Acide acĂ©tylsaioyique ADVIL 200 mg Aide sommeil / Sleep aid, 16,20 Acetyisalicylic acid, 180 IbuprofĂ©ne / Ibuprofen, 24 VICKS HALLS TYLENOL VapoCoo! Mini Mal de dos Pastilles Pastilles | ALLEGRA Wa Back pain Lozenges Lozenges | Altergi ee Caplets 0 "4 | Alergy IS pcg 40,170 ComprimĂ©s: S| if Tablets SRE 20S; wt ==420°9 + 24H, 30 7 Ă© 44?) 1299159? 122% te & & & Le & CANESBALANCE BREATHE RIGHT Vv D As Gels pour vaginose bactĂ©rienne Gels for bacterial vaginosis Applications, 7,10 19°? Bandelettes pour la congestion nasale / Nasal congestion strips © Extra, 26 + RĂ©guiier Regula, 30 VISINE utes pour es yeux AERIUS 99 99 QQ | stieciomees 99 Allergies / Allergy = i re | Selected eye drops & x : 3 : S| ism 4 THRIVE os ECZEDERM Complet a * Protection 2mg CrĂ©me thĂ©rapeutique Gommes = ‘Therapeutic cream me = Gums 9 29 108 — a . ie 1% reme / Cream SENOKOT 2 a Lava / Laxative BAND-AID ComprimĂ©s / Tablets '* Flexi-Contour 182,30, 99 99 « Tough Strips 99 99 99 Produits sĂ©lectionnĂ©s - 2 | Pansements a ‘ i Selected products ea. ea Bandages, 60 ea. to ea. MESSAGE IMPORTANT SS a Gu Sa pp la St So PaCS eo lic A SO a ESSN rma spam TD a tn ee dr i i es ts Sere mace i ene ni i as 6 a st ea eg Every medion or natural ea produc moy couse aos ove acon or arco wh oer medion, Rog he lb worn Ivey: keep medications and natura heath preduets out of he roach of children. The Cte promotin vous est offerte en collaboration avec / This promotion is offered fo you in caldboraion wi: Advantage Solutions, Bayer, GSK. ond inserts provided bythe ‘manufacturer and consult your phormotisl when purchasing such medications or natal heath product, macs owners oflicied to he Sean Couty Group ore he only ones lobe responsible forthe sae hese mecleotons. har a iy wens iBhnson & Johnson, MC 2, Myriad Phorm, Purdoe Phorm, Sanofi ac 5 ‘Du 16 au 22 MARS 2023

Ibuprofen Caplets Caplets d"buprofene 1999 200 mg lbuprofene Ibuprofen Caplets, 500 Timbres de nicotine Nicotine patches 9 9 Embalige de iz Pack of7 Sass FYI n (esas 3% 12 ‘Suppositoires & la glycĂ©rine USP USP glycerin ‘suppositories, 12 Nicotine 11mg Vaporisateur Spray,2 AnalgĂ©siques topiques. Topic pain relief Produits sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected products 49°? 99 Antiacide / Antacid ComprimĂ©s a croquer Chewable tablets 82,115, ‘Soulagement immeĂ©diat des maux de dents FMP Immediate toothache jain relief Bel, 959 499 6°: ASPIRIN 81 mg | a eat tet et 199° bree ie here cte 449 SLEEP-EZE ‘Acide acĂ©tylsaioyique ADVIL 200 mg Aide sommeil / Sleep aid, 16,20 Acetyisalicylic acid, 180 IbuprofĂ©ne / Ibuprofen, 24 VICKS HALLS TYLENOL VapoCoo! Mini Mal de dos Pastilles Pastilles | ALLEGRA Wa Back pain Lozenges Lozenges | Altergi ee Caplets 0 "4 | Alergy IS pcg 40,170 ComprimĂ©s: S| if Tablets SRE 20S; wt ==420°9 + 24H, 30 7 Ă© 44?) 1299159? 122% te & & & Le & CANESBALANCE BREATHE RIGHT Vv D As Gels pour vaginose bactĂ©rienne Gels for bacterial vaginosis Applications, 7,10 19°? Bandelettes pour la congestion nasale / Nasal congestion strips © Extra, 26 + RĂ©guiier Regula, 30 VISINE utes pour es yeux AERIUS 99 99 QQ | stieciomees 99 Allergies / Allergy = i re | Selected eye drops & x : 3 : S| ism 4 THRIVE os ECZEDERM Complet a * Protection 2mg CrĂ©me thĂ©rapeutique Gommes = ‘Therapeutic cream me = Gums 9 29 108 — a . ie 1% reme / Cream SENOKOT 2 a Lava / Laxative BAND-AID ComprimĂ©s / Tablets '* Flexi-Contour 182,30, 99 99 « Tough Strips 99 99 99 Produits sĂ©lectionnĂ©s - 2 | Pansements a ‘ i Selected products ea. ea Bandages, 60 ea. to ea. MESSAGE IMPORTANT SS a Gu Sa pp la St So PaCS eo lic A SO a ESSN rma spam TD a tn ee dr i i es ts Sere mace i ene ni i as 6 a st ea eg Every medion or natural ea produc moy couse aos ove acon or arco wh oer medion, Rog he lb worn Ivey: keep medications and natura heath preduets out of he roach of children. The Cte promotin vous est offerte en collaboration avec / This promotion is offered fo you in caldboraion wi: Advantage Solutions, Bayer, GSK. ond inserts provided bythe ‘manufacturer and consult your phormotisl when purchasing such medications or natal heath product, macs owners oflicied to he Sean Couty Group ore he only ones lobe responsible forthe sae hese mecleotons. har a iy wens iBhnson & Johnson, MC 2, Myriad Phorm, Purdoe Phorm, Sanofi ac 5 ‘Du 16 au 22 MARS 2023

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