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Current flyer Kent - Christmas - Valid from 17.11 to 23.11 - Page nb 5

Flyer Kent 17.11.2022 - 23.11.2022

Products in this flyer

123? 1 Seow Valley Gerlend / Oustonte # pi new Vosley 1499 1999 3 a/o A) 24° Sew Valley Wreath / Couronne ©) 20° Seww Valley Werewm / Courenee €)20" Seem Vasiey Woeath with 108 24 po Sew Voltay Ui ~ 20 po Seem Valley Vos ie LID Lights / Couronne Swe Vetiey 100 pense D pote nou . homibres Of 30 pe t to / 57 Miers Light Perch tree / Awe de wivende UND 190 Light Pecch teen / Asbre de terresse 6 mere Romre 3 pl 9 ph vee 180 beréves O44 (itl Shop Online @KENT.CA! / MAGASIN EN LIGNE @KENT.CA ! 3 ways to shop: Pick up In-Store. Parcel Delivery. Fleet Delivery 3 facons de mogasiner @ Ramasser ov magasin. Livreison 6 par colis. Livraison par camion er Super Brigt ==" Super Bright Ped Crean - = Ce_ 1 1 24= 524 49= 29 Ovatwws buper Bright LEO Light et /tmvemble de 23 empar DE 200 LED Bhveteoth Quads Light het / tnvembe dealaivage watit wupes emineuses pout Teanecneur eur Bivotoath 300 Of wo Dg 2249 Aber fiyer/ Apres be circulating: 28.98 2 9 Wen/ trait: 20:99 2 929 Wor/tron 20.07 1S Candy Cone Rope Light / Coram du emitren comme de onban Mery Duty Cb BO LLD Ught Set / Knsamble de hemidren 10D DEL Heavy Oxty Mt 10D LED Light Sat / Unser de homlires e100 perry pow wings mtenail OF 6 cage inert PACK TENSION cop, ~ en SORDS 170°° 4422" 23 eR Tf wien Cord 3 Peck / ne wot 200 Uae Coponity / Leal covtinsente on tallenges onsertins, pogwet de 3 (90280" rneearent . ‘ a seeninven, 40 9h ‘i BGtissez votre réve. a & Air MILES. Buil mle)

Latest flyers

123? 1 Seow Valley Gerlend / Oustonte # pi new Vosley 1499 1999 3 a/o A) 24° Sew Valley Wreath / Couronne ©) 20° Seww Valley Werewm / Courenee €)20" Seem Vasiey Woeath with 108 24 po Sew Voltay Ui ~ 20 po Seem Valley Vos ie LID Lights / Couronne Swe Vetiey 100 pense D pote nou . homibres Of 30 pe t to / 57 Miers Light Perch tree / Awe de wivende UND 190 Light Pecch teen / Asbre de terresse 6 mere Romre 3 pl 9 ph vee 180 beréves O44 (itl Shop Online @KENT.CA! / MAGASIN EN LIGNE @KENT.CA ! 3 ways to shop: Pick up In-Store. Parcel Delivery. Fleet Delivery 3 facons de mogasiner @ Ramasser ov magasin. Livreison 6 par colis. Livraison par camion er Super Brigt ==" Super Bright Ped Crean - = Ce_ 1 1 24= 524 49= 29 Ovatwws buper Bright LEO Light et /tmvemble de 23 empar DE 200 LED Bhveteoth Quads Light het / tnvembe dealaivage watit wupes emineuses pout Teanecneur eur Bivotoath 300 Of wo Dg 2249 Aber fiyer/ Apres be circulating: 28.98 2 9 Wen/ trait: 20:99 2 929 Wor/tron 20.07 1S Candy Cone Rope Light / Coram du emitren comme de onban Mery Duty Cb BO LLD Ught Set / Knsamble de hemidren 10D DEL Heavy Oxty Mt 10D LED Light Sat / Unser de homlires e100 perry pow wings mtenail OF 6 cage inert PACK TENSION cop, ~ en SORDS 170°° 4422" 23 eR Tf wien Cord 3 Peck / ne wot 200 Uae Coponity / Leal covtinsente on tallenges onsertins, pogwet de 3 (90280" rneearent . ‘ a seeninven, 40 9h ‘i BGtissez votre réve. a & Air MILES. Buil mle)

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