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Current flyer Kent - Valid from 29.09 to 05.10 - Page nb 1

Flyer Kent 29.09.2022 - 05.10.2022

Products in this flyer

MOIS DE LA PEINTURE cand S BUY MORE, SAVE MORE 4 ALL ‘SICO 4 pre paint NO $80* SAVE $20 ) CONTEST ENTRY PER SICO OR PPG PAINT PURCHASE ENDS WEDNESDAY, O- x | PARTICIPATION AU CONCOURS PAR ACHAT DE PEINTURE SICO OU PPG. 0 $+ ECONOMISEZ 20 $ WMERCREDI 26 OCTOBRE 2022 7 120 $+ ECONOMISEZ 30 $ . $+ ECONOMISEZ 50 $ Drier Sia tet a ire ery ek ida PPE esti te ete ites ets tee et Py = 20% © OFF eat 1 89% ax nceo EXTERIOR Seep hecbi EXTENSION CORDS "em teas Gey Lame ering / Peer dra te . RALLONGES EXTERIEURES cn sioce Aven i. Qs ; STARTING AT / A PARTIR DE: for 159°° c 1 5 goo Atert Oceured FULLY ASSEMBLED WHITE THERMOFOIL KITCHEN CABINETS / Gamage door opened 11.90 AM dane 11 o/o ARMOIRES DE CUISINE THERMOFON BLANC ASSEMBLEES PORES nce A FEMI DORE WIT ADRENAL LACS, 70 Sener! Coruge Camara / Comérn de garage mteligense myQ 12899 449°°.. 24" tre Wine Vorihy Shaker / Mahé Miche 100 Wott Gating Generator / Génivonive Dewalt #:1/4" Compact debaite Table Sow And 24 pe ture Shother Ce 2 esente 6 300 We damerroge eueinque Mord / Sele de chenner compacts su" table ever support Dewalt 81/4178 148 oon 24" Asnerted Wall Heak / Crochet moral meter 34 po CLR Bath And Kitchan Geames / Oécmpent CLR neiaine salle de bein (10427% 59297" eakawate 9 99°° ae, | ow heck / Applique deaneeiawe 32° 80" Blanch Vented Ving! Chal invwing Osos 4-5/8" / Ponte & Soneme 36 pe, peawer de? bears vontibbe naive de 37 2 80 pe revevvente de vingte 6-5/8 ps BMO { Sep - Oct 29 30 O1 02 O03 O04 O5

Latest flyers

MOIS DE LA PEINTURE cand S BUY MORE, SAVE MORE 4 ALL ‘SICO 4 pre paint NO $80* SAVE $20 ) CONTEST ENTRY PER SICO OR PPG PAINT PURCHASE ENDS WEDNESDAY, O- x | PARTICIPATION AU CONCOURS PAR ACHAT DE PEINTURE SICO OU PPG. 0 $+ ECONOMISEZ 20 $ WMERCREDI 26 OCTOBRE 2022 7 120 $+ ECONOMISEZ 30 $ . $+ ECONOMISEZ 50 $ Drier Sia tet a ire ery ek ida PPE esti te ete ites ets tee et Py = 20% © OFF eat 1 89% ax nceo EXTERIOR Seep hecbi EXTENSION CORDS "em teas Gey Lame ering / Peer dra te . RALLONGES EXTERIEURES cn sioce Aven i. Qs ; STARTING AT / A PARTIR DE: for 159°° c 1 5 goo Atert Oceured FULLY ASSEMBLED WHITE THERMOFOIL KITCHEN CABINETS / Gamage door opened 11.90 AM dane 11 o/o ARMOIRES DE CUISINE THERMOFON BLANC ASSEMBLEES PORES nce A FEMI DORE WIT ADRENAL LACS, 70 Sener! Coruge Camara / Comérn de garage mteligense myQ 12899 449°°.. 24" tre Wine Vorihy Shaker / Mahé Miche 100 Wott Gating Generator / Génivonive Dewalt #:1/4" Compact debaite Table Sow And 24 pe ture Shother Ce 2 esente 6 300 We damerroge eueinque Mord / Sele de chenner compacts su" table ever support Dewalt 81/4178 148 oon 24" Asnerted Wall Heak / Crochet moral meter 34 po CLR Bath And Kitchan Geames / Oécmpent CLR neiaine salle de bein (10427% 59297" eakawate 9 99°° ae, | ow heck / Applique deaneeiawe 32° 80" Blanch Vented Ving! Chal invwing Osos 4-5/8" / Ponte & Soneme 36 pe, peawer de? bears vontibbe naive de 37 2 80 pe revevvente de vingte 6-5/8 ps BMO { Sep - Oct 29 30 O1 02 O03 O04 O5

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