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Current flyer Metro - Thanksgiving Day - Valid from 06.10 to 12.10 - Page nb 13

Flyer Metro 06.10.2022 - 12.10.2022

Products in this flyer

‘SENSIBLE PORTIONS NEAL BROTHERS CHIPS BBO SAUCE Rey Sat SUcre aeenes setcte weenes ea. ea. NATSREs BAKERY HAPPY POPS ICED BARS re sauce wares 5-24 Ca, secre eres CHEWY BARS 3405 Ca, sacra uneres .—s a a 99’: 99 FROZEN MEAL NATURE'S BAKERY. NATURE'S NUTS ae BUTTER faut mares {! er k io a! 6 ‘SPREAD 005 @a, —_sucren aneras wn sara wares 09 RAINOOAST CRISPS FLAT BREAD CRACKERS iy sulci atts ea ticles ea. Cl mee) ONCE UPON AFARM aaBY PuRtE fue meres mas 9 ROYALE BATHROOM GERBER BABY COOKIES OR SNACKS <Q yee SRUCTOO anTS soem taus alsa a, = sacrpunenes er E — 7 ==. cle — =9 = q el == & P aa a at Hed CREST @ FINISH — \ RINSE AGENT = >» 999 Rae || Sten ' ip uaseice | wees [» SECRET DEODORANT j : ne > ea. SmuscreD ners ea. HEAD & — NIVEA wale CARE Boor Lomi tate Siow snc we ee =s eat — NETFLIX Gift Card shown et 15 AIR MILES® BONUS MILES 6-12 49 NUTS TO YOU PEANUT BUTTER song ea. SCT RTS SOLENZI Ceol BLUE DIAMOND BEVERAGE ust saecres aes NUM! Gale uw ww Sacro maces Vg 949 99° PLUGINS SCENTED OIL KIT OR REFILLS T-2ee, ACTOS ve CLEANERS saeCTE SUS SQTED RETES SCENT BOOSTERS SLECTD OHS. SELECTED ARETE = 999 DOWNY OR GAIN a — BOUNCE OR GAIN ‘SOFTENER SHEETS eat ©: SLC nares FOR ENTERTAINING IDEAS, VISIT =

Latest flyers

‘SENSIBLE PORTIONS NEAL BROTHERS CHIPS BBO SAUCE Rey Sat SUcre aeenes setcte weenes ea. ea. NATSREs BAKERY HAPPY POPS ICED BARS re sauce wares 5-24 Ca, secre eres CHEWY BARS 3405 Ca, sacra uneres .—s a a 99’: 99 FROZEN MEAL NATURE'S BAKERY. NATURE'S NUTS ae BUTTER faut mares {! er k io a! 6 ‘SPREAD 005 @a, —_sucren aneras wn sara wares 09 RAINOOAST CRISPS FLAT BREAD CRACKERS iy sulci atts ea ticles ea. Cl mee) ONCE UPON AFARM aaBY PuRtE fue meres mas 9 ROYALE BATHROOM GERBER BABY COOKIES OR SNACKS <Q yee SRUCTOO anTS soem taus alsa a, = sacrpunenes er E — 7 ==. cle — =9 = q el == & P aa a at Hed CREST @ FINISH — \ RINSE AGENT = >» 999 Rae || Sten ' ip uaseice | wees [» SECRET DEODORANT j : ne > ea. SmuscreD ners ea. HEAD & — NIVEA wale CARE Boor Lomi tate Siow snc we ee =s eat — NETFLIX Gift Card shown et 15 AIR MILES® BONUS MILES 6-12 49 NUTS TO YOU PEANUT BUTTER song ea. SCT RTS SOLENZI Ceol BLUE DIAMOND BEVERAGE ust saecres aes NUM! Gale uw ww Sacro maces Vg 949 99° PLUGINS SCENTED OIL KIT OR REFILLS T-2ee, ACTOS ve CLEANERS saeCTE SUS SQTED RETES SCENT BOOSTERS SLECTD OHS. SELECTED ARETE = 999 DOWNY OR GAIN a — BOUNCE OR GAIN ‘SOFTENER SHEETS eat ©: SLC nares FOR ENTERTAINING IDEAS, VISIT =

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