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Current flyer Metro - Valid from 20.03 to 26.03 - Page nb 14

Flyer Metro 20.03.2025 - 26.03.2025

Products in this flyer

3 oo te 1009 . F 8,93/1b 2 ihe 2 aang ean sacs ATUL FORMAT salade ECONOMIQUE ey Ay 4. “ printaniere ae r me ‘6 4 : a i . y z t f @ 2 salade 4 ~ libanaise = ℱ~ : ae. 2S, A it RS ce ,) — 2 as — | FSF See a salade chou gs ~ ee frisĂ© feta = ~~) sousmarm Uinoa raisins VIANDES FROIDES = wer onosisors — foourtcoonat SALADE voxcscrs uaa a A et A ae : ~ ‘ap Pye mae + wa "89 12 il eo MAGASIS PRRTICPANTSSLDENT P epperonl ai | _ de porc | < - etnouilles —» Li . chinoises hy) Lam et ee A> boulettes boo e 99 | gĂ©nĂ©ral tao pete Prateweemce garnie smn prĂ©ts arĂ©chauffer _ tortellini > ; q 5 sauce rosĂ©e . An wey ae REPAS INDIVIDUELS roreuumcus ‘aia a 39 de Tr wee a eaenes 39) rsmmcusent | chinois saiammaiaen 10.84/10 lundi sandwichs | vendredi, samedi, dimanche — repas poulet incluant frites, sauces et salades oS

Latest flyers

3 oo te 1009 . F 8,93/1b 2 ihe 2 aang ean sacs ATUL FORMAT salade ECONOMIQUE ey Ay 4. “ printaniere ae r me ‘6 4 : a i . y z t f @ 2 salade 4 ~ libanaise = ℱ~ : ae. 2S, A it RS ce ,) — 2 as — | FSF See a salade chou gs ~ ee frisĂ© feta = ~~) sousmarm Uinoa raisins VIANDES FROIDES = wer onosisors — foourtcoonat SALADE voxcscrs uaa a A et A ae : ~ ‘ap Pye mae + wa "89 12 il eo MAGASIS PRRTICPANTSSLDENT P epperonl ai | _ de porc | < - etnouilles —» Li . chinoises hy) Lam et ee A> boulettes boo e 99 | gĂ©nĂ©ral tao pete Prateweemce garnie smn prĂ©ts arĂ©chauffer _ tortellini > ; q 5 sauce rosĂ©e . An wey ae REPAS INDIVIDUELS roreuumcus ‘aia a 39 de Tr wee a eaenes 39) rsmmcusent | chinois saiammaiaen 10.84/10 lundi sandwichs | vendredi, samedi, dimanche — repas poulet incluant frites, sauces et salades oS

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