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Current flyer M&M Food Market - Christmas - Valid from 05.12 to 11.12 - Page nb 10

Flyer M&M Food Market 05.12.2024 - 11.12.2024

Products in this flyer

* st "1922 Breaded Haddock 7-10 PIECES 9078 w. Battered Haddock s 6-9 PIECÈS 6802 un LECLEUT Also available, Pie $5.99 each ‘AI stountad grices 04 predusts within this fiyée are eclusive te members of the M&M Fcod Market Rawards program, Simply prasant your mambarshi card OÙ sign up fer à free manmbership in st0e8 or enlise, to take advantage cf héss axchsive offers, Products ad peicas may vary by région. Linits of restrictions may apply. Produsts my met be wescliy ss shown Special geicing and promebons are not valid st M&M Food Market Exgeess sad ctber non-triditionsl slvres, 23 hey offer a Simite rangé of preducts, Scene illestrationrs in this flyer du au necesaurity represent ibams ca sale and are for design cnly, We reseeve Lie right Lo correct any errors, Commercial resale of eur preducts à prehibited. Trade-marks, service marks and logos displayed in this fiyes are trade-marks of MA Meat Shops Ltd and others.Any duplicatios [in:luéing pasting amine) without £a wnittea consent of MAM Meat Shops Lin. Is prohibited. 22024 MEM Meat Saops Ltd. “Trademark of Colas Canada Used ender Hoense. "**Lowost Price of the Season” 15 eur guanstes do you, sebject to fe totlowing qualifications, that you mil not BEST after this Nyers cxpiry period sec à lower price où these selected items at M&M Food Market, exchuding MSA Food Market Express locations and partners, (übe MANAGED “Traditicaal Lections”) until December 31, 2024 (the “Guarmtse Periog"}, M yeu fiod à lower advertised price at our Traditican! Locations dering the Guarantez 75 COMPANIES Period you ce bring your racsipt 10 ane of our Traditicaal Locations and ractive a stars credit for the diffarancs Satwsen the price you paid and the new avertises price. NOTE Guarantes ds oniy wa 10e M&M Feou Market Rawards customer transactions. G2024 MSM Meat Shags Lin, ONE

Latest flyers

* st "1922 Breaded Haddock 7-10 PIECES 9078 w. Battered Haddock s 6-9 PIECÈS 6802 un LECLEUT Also available, Pie $5.99 each ‘AI stountad grices 04 predusts within this fiyée are eclusive te members of the M&M Fcod Market Rawards program, Simply prasant your mambarshi card OÙ sign up fer à free manmbership in st0e8 or enlise, to take advantage cf héss axchsive offers, Products ad peicas may vary by région. Linits of restrictions may apply. Produsts my met be wescliy ss shown Special geicing and promebons are not valid st M&M Food Market Exgeess sad ctber non-triditionsl slvres, 23 hey offer a Simite rangé of preducts, Scene illestrationrs in this flyer du au necesaurity represent ibams ca sale and are for design cnly, We reseeve Lie right Lo correct any errors, Commercial resale of eur preducts à prehibited. Trade-marks, service marks and logos displayed in this fiyes are trade-marks of MA Meat Shops Ltd and others.Any duplicatios [in:luéing pasting amine) without £a wnittea consent of MAM Meat Shops Lin. Is prohibited. 22024 MEM Meat Saops Ltd. “Trademark of Colas Canada Used ender Hoense. "**Lowost Price of the Season” 15 eur guanstes do you, sebject to fe totlowing qualifications, that you mil not BEST after this Nyers cxpiry period sec à lower price où these selected items at M&M Food Market, exchuding MSA Food Market Express locations and partners, (übe MANAGED “Traditicaal Lections”) until December 31, 2024 (the “Guarmtse Periog"}, M yeu fiod à lower advertised price at our Traditican! Locations dering the Guarantez 75 COMPANIES Period you ce bring your racsipt 10 ane of our Traditicaal Locations and ractive a stars credit for the diffarancs Satwsen the price you paid and the new avertises price. NOTE Guarantes ds oniy wa 10e M&M Feou Market Rawards customer transactions. G2024 MSM Meat Shags Lin, ONE

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