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Current flyer No Frills - Halloween - Valid from 27.10 to 02.11 - Page nb 5

Flyer No Frills 27.10.2022 - 02.11.2022

Products in this flyer

- VES YACARY C2 ¢ ‘ SAVE AND RAY (asa\Mama = be i tT er TURKEY BITES PIZZA De cea behead = FO ey al s — 10 > Kistorante . enone? ql : , «Members F hemor etry yk A at itary Pee eticry cCyy Ra Bog SAVE 1.50 tay _ PoGO Pree Rey Cee Ra ne 8/10's rN ee iid De selected vorieties a OE RU Pye es ey isd eT ae Pa selected pea oes ye iy reer vorieties i LOWER FOOD PRICES PRICING: Save", "Was", “172 F OUR PRICE seared te regular retal price. REGULAR PRICING cation, COUPONS #PRICE MATCH If 0 Major Su : Trade Area, Y : 1 y focbie date of FOR A LIST OF LOCAL COMPETITORS THAT ARE PART OF THAT STORE'S PRICE MATCH PROGRAM VISIT YOUR NO FRILLS® STORE, a FRILLS 1-866-98-SMILE (76453) 1

Latest flyers

- VES YACARY C2 ¢ ‘ SAVE AND RAY (asa\Mama = be i tT er TURKEY BITES PIZZA De cea behead = FO ey al s — 10 > Kistorante . enone? ql : , «Members F hemor etry yk A at itary Pee eticry cCyy Ra Bog SAVE 1.50 tay _ PoGO Pree Rey Cee Ra ne 8/10's rN ee iid De selected vorieties a OE RU Pye es ey isd eT ae Pa selected pea oes ye iy reer vorieties i LOWER FOOD PRICES PRICING: Save", "Was", “172 F OUR PRICE seared te regular retal price. REGULAR PRICING cation, COUPONS #PRICE MATCH If 0 Major Su : Trade Area, Y : 1 y focbie date of FOR A LIST OF LOCAL COMPETITORS THAT ARE PART OF THAT STORE'S PRICE MATCH PROGRAM VISIT YOUR NO FRILLS® STORE, a FRILLS 1-866-98-SMILE (76453) 1

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