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Current flyer No Frills - Ontario - Valid from 07.11 to 13.11 - Page nb 6

Flyer No Frills 07.11.2024 - 13.11.2024

Products in this flyer

Quseames and/or select Applicable ti *PC Optimum’ a NOFRILLS son» nnanons 1-206-08-smns (76459) 93 2 ee - ea >) iy) exe HOUSE — ‘ant ie iw cH SEAMEN WEAN Apple Juice ARS Ms from concentrate bl Ge ety aU Abi Tt YoPLart Yor clus HOUSE CREST TOOTHPASTE FEBREZE PLUG DRINKABLE ALLEN'S GRAVY 22100 tw ORAL-B WARMER (ee Yoourt FRUIT COCKTAIL SEASONING MIX MANU. selec vvion telat vein sake vera TOOTHBRUSH | ~ GEL'AIR CONES 1705 mon it soars ececad weriten led wean rent ech de ft itor 0 sas on b nacnarmenent Sees ov be de, = elbow macaroni (pst ri wh 200% aren wheat samc macaroni en coudes peste ‘serene bi dur 8 300% CATELLI SAUCE sort salted vereten tanced vores (20/480 ma 2 me ermons gates apeatly Wnoerhect clans Strawberries a frotse: Classic \ Classique NO NAME® FROZEN FRUIT KRAFT SALAD DRESSING DANONE ACTIVIA YOGURT selected worsen weet ores since wort 300/400 4235 wt 625/630 9 onoer sas ta Misecre) eran tA SEibnrbae cayponasnzneey aa MASTRO CAPOCOLLO » PROSCIUTTO COTTO 1255 LAY'S POTATO SAN DANIELE MORTADELLA VIM CLEANING CHIPS 77-235 96 W759 TRE STELLE PICKLED VEGETABLES CREAM 00 mi POPPABLES 105 PARMESAN ~ ROMANO 1, GLADE AEROSOL 25 selecd reves ion taleord vices o_o Seorwes ta/soervacr ease oo Sous vimanas Secor excrisioene wo ion avour, colour, patterns, style) of items may be limited and not be available in all stores. No rainchecks or substitutions items or when quantities are advertised as limited. We resé tomer to reasonable famity 1ore for details. We are not obligated to sell item ¢ n typography or photography. All savings claims S”",”1/2Price” ete. arelncomperieon toour own regulerprices ‘Regu ar pe S, deposits, recycling or environmental surcharges are extra. Cou Scan your PC Optimum™ app or swipe your card to get Members Pricin S Must be presented and Yn g oF points. See instore for detaits

Quseames and/or select Applicable ti *PC Optimum’ a NOFRILLS son» nnanons 1-206-08-smns (76459) 93 2 ee - ea >) iy) exe HOUSE — ‘ant ie iw cH SEAMEN WEAN Apple Juice ARS Ms from concentrate bl Ge ety aU Abi Tt YoPLart Yor clus HOUSE CREST TOOTHPASTE FEBREZE PLUG DRINKABLE ALLEN'S GRAVY 22100 tw ORAL-B WARMER (ee Yoourt FRUIT COCKTAIL SEASONING MIX MANU. selec vvion telat vein sake vera TOOTHBRUSH | ~ GEL'AIR CONES 1705 mon it soars ececad weriten led wean rent ech de ft itor 0 sas on b nacnarmenent Sees ov be de, = elbow macaroni (pst ri wh 200% aren wheat samc macaroni en coudes peste ‘serene bi dur 8 300% CATELLI SAUCE sort salted vereten tanced vores (20/480 ma 2 me ermons gates apeatly Wnoerhect clans Strawberries a frotse: Classic \ Classique NO NAME® FROZEN FRUIT KRAFT SALAD DRESSING DANONE ACTIVIA YOGURT selected worsen weet ores since wort 300/400 4235 wt 625/630 9 onoer sas ta Misecre) eran tA SEibnrbae cayponasnzneey aa MASTRO CAPOCOLLO » PROSCIUTTO COTTO 1255 LAY'S POTATO SAN DANIELE MORTADELLA VIM CLEANING CHIPS 77-235 96 W759 TRE STELLE PICKLED VEGETABLES CREAM 00 mi POPPABLES 105 PARMESAN ~ ROMANO 1, GLADE AEROSOL 25 selecd reves ion taleord vices o_o Seorwes ta/soervacr ease oo Sous vimanas Secor excrisioene wo ion avour, colour, patterns, style) of items may be limited and not be available in all stores. No rainchecks or substitutions items or when quantities are advertised as limited. We resé tomer to reasonable famity 1ore for details. We are not obligated to sell item ¢ n typography or photography. All savings claims S”",”1/2Price” ete. arelncomperieon toour own regulerprices ‘Regu ar pe S, deposits, recycling or environmental surcharges are extra. Cou Scan your PC Optimum™ app or swipe your card to get Members Pricin S Must be presented and Yn g oF points. See instore for detaits

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