Products in this flyer
SAVE $5 A2 499 76% 62% Preen Queen™ Dust Star Lake Corral Shelter™ Bath Additive 2.26kg Diatomaceous 10’ x 10’ x 5'6". Mulipurpose, portable shade & shelter structure. Habs rion weaned hanves Earth 50lb Fechrespatened shelter lock steel stabilizers & onchors securely to chickens’ bodies. Contoins zeolite, Hoeonrdiclion aoe the ground. Corral panels & gates not included diatomaceous earth, peppermint & varying between 7.5-9, Reg, 574.99 citronella essential oils. Add to dust bath Reg. 67.99 1500001 to keep their feathers clean & pristine. 506693 Reg. 31.99 3566765 SAVE $5 BUY 2 GET 2 FREE* HEMPALTA 1 6 99 “OF “299 VALUE Tuff Stuff Flex Tubs 13 Hem ne z gle abe ‘Assorted colours available. Bed ding ISL iP > 212867-74 Crafted from 100% whale, clean hemp hurd | SS! ‘granules, which serve as (=—leloim} {@ natural deodorizer to help neutralize foul odors 3518231 Pee Rabbit Feed oo SAVE § SAVE $3 \etoqunol SAVE $2 SAVE$10_ @= ~~ 25kg ., Eqvalan Raa Wormer 7.74g 99 99 == 99 a Specially formulated Registered to control 70 species & sloges of iN i oe equine parasites ~ including tapeworms. cent Electrolytes v-tytes HE Bronco Fly Barn & Dainy 4 Ae ~ Spray a a Fly Shield 41 ri Repels & kills fies, mosquitoes, lice agg Can be used in form heaped ES gvots:Hecion!drenala scent, ME bultings & on bvetock Reg. 14.99 Bee Reg. 52.99 = eee eee ee See lea ore fo pricing eee oor ee Harvest & StepRigh Beet Pulp Corn, Cals & 9g Grains wore! © Barley with rarer * Shop Our High calorie, low protein, i Molazses 20kg r eT Iawohdgeson a4 Era sora he, J Horse Feed of Livestock Feed 32%"9""=" inp wie x | See loca sre or ring, —— = Poultry Feed 20kg fm. Hog Grower 20kg ProFerr; Assorted options avilable Feed to hogs that weigh over aityhomee 295759, 62, 299770, 71 i XK 25kg until ready for 4 % apres RF market or breeding 213253 ev FREE BAG nas PETTY a WARee ny
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