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Current flyer Real Canadian Superstore - Christmas - Valid from 24.11 to 30.11 - Page nb 1

Flyer Real Canadian Superstore 24.11.2022 - 30.11.2022

Products in this flyer

Uhr Te Mme El Va Tilt ey TET UT SUPERSTORE LOAD TO GET' We'll pay the tax on Home, Electronics, * , a r 1 pel Toys, Baby, Health & for every $100’ spent Beauty, Cosmetics, on Home, Electronics, Joe Fresh™ Apparel Toys, Baby, Cosmetics, and Pharmacy Health & Beauty, Joe Fresh” (ischudes prescriction vas, Bpparel and Pharmacy optical and Marketplace) *See back page for details prescription drugs and optical) lean ground beef PC? cranberry vanilla, candy cane ice cream 1.5 | fresh, 1.0 kg tray or candy cane mini bars 6 selected varieties, frozen Farmer's Market™ white ¥ or Russet potatoes uMiT2 product of Canad 99 Canada no, 1 grade, 10 > y ca y ce $ cover limit pay 3.99 ea Ihe Ta ee : , aca OMety vt RANBERRY VARILEA PC" Old Fashioned Style bacon 1kg = = amaies | |BACOR| Farmer's Market ™ g, product of Canada, Canada no. 1 grade ea cover limit pay 10.99 ea SPEND & GET 2,500 for every $9" spenton Casa Mendosa 7/0 inch tortilla 405409, Wonder breed 570-6759 orhamburger or hot dog bu D'ttaliano bread 675 g or hamburger or hot buns 4-8's, selected varieties bathroomtissue taparr g a Cashmere Coca-Cola or Canada Dry 2448 rolls or Scotties facial soft drinks 24355 ml or tissue 12x126 sheets 1 99 Nestea iced tea 20x34) ml. 49 selected varieties selected varieties ea ea ‘over limit pay 17.99 6a, ‘over limit pay 11.99 6a Due ces ¢] ly a CNET eee scar eee rey SUPERSTORE eT CR aera eeu ee emt

Latest flyers

Uhr Te Mme El Va Tilt ey TET UT SUPERSTORE LOAD TO GET' We'll pay the tax on Home, Electronics, * , a r 1 pel Toys, Baby, Health & for every $100’ spent Beauty, Cosmetics, on Home, Electronics, Joe Fresh™ Apparel Toys, Baby, Cosmetics, and Pharmacy Health & Beauty, Joe Fresh” (ischudes prescriction vas, Bpparel and Pharmacy optical and Marketplace) *See back page for details prescription drugs and optical) lean ground beef PC? cranberry vanilla, candy cane ice cream 1.5 | fresh, 1.0 kg tray or candy cane mini bars 6 selected varieties, frozen Farmer's Market™ white ¥ or Russet potatoes uMiT2 product of Canad 99 Canada no, 1 grade, 10 > y ca y ce $ cover limit pay 3.99 ea Ihe Ta ee : , aca OMety vt RANBERRY VARILEA PC" Old Fashioned Style bacon 1kg = = amaies | |BACOR| Farmer's Market ™ g, product of Canada, Canada no. 1 grade ea cover limit pay 10.99 ea SPEND & GET 2,500 for every $9" spenton Casa Mendosa 7/0 inch tortilla 405409, Wonder breed 570-6759 orhamburger or hot dog bu D'ttaliano bread 675 g or hamburger or hot buns 4-8's, selected varieties bathroomtissue taparr g a Cashmere Coca-Cola or Canada Dry 2448 rolls or Scotties facial soft drinks 24355 ml or tissue 12x126 sheets 1 99 Nestea iced tea 20x34) ml. 49 selected varieties selected varieties ea ea ‘over limit pay 17.99 6a, ‘over limit pay 11.99 6a Due ces ¢] ly a CNET eee scar eee rey SUPERSTORE eT CR aera eeu ee emt

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