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Current flyer Real Canadian Superstore - Thanksgiving Day - Valid from 29.09 to 05.10 - Page nb 2

Flyer Real Canadian Superstore 29.09.2022 - 05.10.2022

Products in this flyer

FRUIT & VEG TS medi Eee ay NG Check the first page for the free item offer witha DU ice ce Pana, Cm dauaeace ss st SEAL-TICHT CONTAINER SET CONTENANTS, MERMETIQUES WHEN YOU SPEND $250 OR MORE PC’ seal-tight container set Upto $24.99 Value Buy big, save big versus our regular size packs’. “where applicable SIZE PoE gelato) Ce Cae ree Rr eeu Mee eel en eee ee ee ee eee ec ee ere ten ac teks eg ciel are eae a ete es cee) HEALTH & BEAUTY BN ect) We’re not all talk. Save for real with PC Optimum”, Club Size, Ad Match and PP mile We match prices when you show us a lower advertised price. BSA tel Sle Ciclo With personalized offers, Cr ie ue el icd towards free groceries. optimum. SPEND & GET 3,000 for every $10° spenton water! pemtier beverages all sizes and varieties Ayellow brand with Pelee anced nee ae a oe Eo pC ates pit hielinas Michelina’s frozen entrées selected varieties, 184-284 g | foie Y en * Er 4

Latest flyers

FRUIT & VEG TS medi Eee ay NG Check the first page for the free item offer witha DU ice ce Pana, Cm dauaeace ss st SEAL-TICHT CONTAINER SET CONTENANTS, MERMETIQUES WHEN YOU SPEND $250 OR MORE PC’ seal-tight container set Upto $24.99 Value Buy big, save big versus our regular size packs’. “where applicable SIZE PoE gelato) Ce Cae ree Rr eeu Mee eel en eee ee ee ee eee ec ee ere ten ac teks eg ciel are eae a ete es cee) HEALTH & BEAUTY BN ect) We’re not all talk. Save for real with PC Optimum”, Club Size, Ad Match and PP mile We match prices when you show us a lower advertised price. BSA tel Sle Ciclo With personalized offers, Cr ie ue el icd towards free groceries. optimum. SPEND & GET 3,000 for every $10° spenton water! pemtier beverages all sizes and varieties Ayellow brand with Pelee anced nee ae a oe Eo pC ates pit hielinas Michelina’s frozen entrées selected varieties, 184-284 g | foie Y en * Er 4

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