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Current flyer Real Canadian Superstore - Valid from 20.03 to 16.04 - Page nb 17

Flyer Real Canadian Superstore 20.03.2025 - 16.04.2025

Products in this flyer

We’ll match prices’® TC CB eT Ee lower advertised price! 1. We'll match prices if you show us a lower advertised price. See in-store for a list of current competitors that we ad match against. 2. We reserve the right to limit the quantity available for purchase to 4 units per Ad Matched item purchased ata competitor’s price, regardless of variety. 3. We will not match competitor’s private label offers on non-identical brands or other special offer types, see full explanation for details. 4. The competitor's advertisement, whether printed or digital, must be complete with all necessary information and in an acceptable format. *We'll match prices if you show us a lower advertised price means that if a major supermarket competitor, advertises Pee UE aC Cun team eee aur unige Reimer e ura and we will sell you that item, up to a limit of four(4) units per item, at that same price but only during the effective Cree eee ue Tee See Meee dee ee CE Ruri eluate | eee ieee Cec Munya RU ke Red ele Peers Mur cede cs merce Ue Rell cod and carried at this store location. We will not match: competitor's private label offers on non-identical items, erie b ae 1 i at WO Me eel Legal ele Rulers cle ieee uaa elie hs omnes ae aaen Me ue Shukla cui tei or offers related to our third party operations Pees eM: ee ee Nee ete et Mur ur ke en uaa ur Ls Pre Maite Reet Ute eye SMU keg eos ad Oe Reet ca eet a) We reserve the right to identify the major supermarket competitor(s) for each Real Canadian Superstore location. The Peru eid) Mik ee ie tree Cee | aur unui ea ul RR UP te Mae ker ome un eAOr rs ae ts ee RR Peres ee mE eg Ee elec ete dee eels Cet a gear m i) erence enue NAC et uh Raunt cum UT illite hsaiere|} Peerage near aels Re uM ele ke ee eRe le ee Uo ee Cute kre a are Ue Ed Pee Urea rec eke itu ehh em) saute e checkmate urd Psu eee aa Lad Prices effective Thursday, March 20th to Wednesday, April 16th 2025 in Ontario unless otherwise stated. Quantities and/or selection of items may be limited and may not be available in all stores Items in this flyer may not be available at the following Ontario locations: Leamington, Midland, Ajax, Windsor (Dougall Avenue), Peterborough, Mississauga (Mavis Road), Oshawa (Gibb Street), Brockville, Ottawa (Westboro and South Kanata), St. Thomas, Strathroy and Sudbury. No rainchecks or substitutions. Advertised regular pricing and product selection (colour, pattem, style) may vary by store location. We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements. We are not obligated to sell items based on errors or misprints in typography or photography. Pricing: all references to “save, was, ele lie eo Merete em Come mel aM ell mete Meals) tele Rt h Melee Mem aes nt surcharges are extra Price match and/or ad match requests do not apply to products sold and shipped by 3rd party Sellers on Marketplace. No sales to retail outlets. ®/™, the trademarks and logos displayed in this flyer are trademarks of Loblaws Inc. and others. All rights reserved © 2025 Loblaws Inc. RCSS S818

Latest flyers

We’ll match prices’® TC CB eT Ee lower advertised price! 1. We'll match prices if you show us a lower advertised price. See in-store for a list of current competitors that we ad match against. 2. We reserve the right to limit the quantity available for purchase to 4 units per Ad Matched item purchased ata competitor’s price, regardless of variety. 3. We will not match competitor’s private label offers on non-identical brands or other special offer types, see full explanation for details. 4. The competitor's advertisement, whether printed or digital, must be complete with all necessary information and in an acceptable format. *We'll match prices if you show us a lower advertised price means that if a major supermarket competitor, advertises Pee UE aC Cun team eee aur unige Reimer e ura and we will sell you that item, up to a limit of four(4) units per item, at that same price but only during the effective Cree eee ue Tee See Meee dee ee CE Ruri eluate | eee ieee Cec Munya RU ke Red ele Peers Mur cede cs merce Ue Rell cod and carried at this store location. We will not match: competitor's private label offers on non-identical items, erie b ae 1 i at WO Me eel Legal ele Rulers cle ieee uaa elie hs omnes ae aaen Me ue Shukla cui tei or offers related to our third party operations Pees eM: ee ee Nee ete et Mur ur ke en uaa ur Ls Pre Maite Reet Ute eye SMU keg eos ad Oe Reet ca eet a) We reserve the right to identify the major supermarket competitor(s) for each Real Canadian Superstore location. The Peru eid) Mik ee ie tree Cee | aur unui ea ul RR UP te Mae ker ome un eAOr rs ae ts ee RR Peres ee mE eg Ee elec ete dee eels Cet a gear m i) erence enue NAC et uh Raunt cum UT illite hsaiere|} Peerage near aels Re uM ele ke ee eRe le ee Uo ee Cute kre a are Ue Ed Pee Urea rec eke itu ehh em) saute e checkmate urd Psu eee aa Lad Prices effective Thursday, March 20th to Wednesday, April 16th 2025 in Ontario unless otherwise stated. Quantities and/or selection of items may be limited and may not be available in all stores Items in this flyer may not be available at the following Ontario locations: Leamington, Midland, Ajax, Windsor (Dougall Avenue), Peterborough, Mississauga (Mavis Road), Oshawa (Gibb Street), Brockville, Ottawa (Westboro and South Kanata), St. Thomas, Strathroy and Sudbury. No rainchecks or substitutions. Advertised regular pricing and product selection (colour, pattem, style) may vary by store location. We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements. We are not obligated to sell items based on errors or misprints in typography or photography. Pricing: all references to “save, was, ele lie eo Merete em Come mel aM ell mete Meals) tele Rt h Melee Mem aes nt surcharges are extra Price match and/or ad match requests do not apply to products sold and shipped by 3rd party Sellers on Marketplace. No sales to retail outlets. ®/™, the trademarks and logos displayed in this flyer are trademarks of Loblaws Inc. and others. All rights reserved © 2025 Loblaws Inc. RCSS S818

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