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Current flyer Real Canadian Superstore - Valid from 08.09 to 14.09 - Page nb 21

Flyer Real Canadian Superstore 08.09.2022 - 14.09.2022

Products in this flyer

FRUIT & VEG MEAT & SEAFOOD 1 HEALTH & BEAUTY a Et ig oe) TN te) ae SPEND & GET rey 1,5500@ i for every $15' spenton Buy any Danone’, Activia’, or Oikos’ Drink and 2 BUY 3 ORMORE $0.25’ will be donated 33 to President's Choice Children’s Charity to help feed a million kids annually children's charity — INSPIRED By — GREEK TRADITION ie ee et i Gb oor amasne TR woe i ae REAL EGGS. REAL EASY. Pee he hea Naturegg Nestlaid Omega 3 + 1 dozen 379, 4°. eee ae Sem — See ikepeteker ci) PUREE ce cm ™ 3 —— bee ea re Ean one aes Be At Ln en ne gait eeu at tan thd Classic Comfort SE optimum: now made eee eee eee ea plant-based paca ad your o dr, Pre , Cautipower Pizza selected varieties Selected’ Varieties: sz oped 10,501 Peer tgs et Your weekly offers eee) eve lect oe 200 points i= ©, 10,000®@ is $10 in FREE stuff Cre eee ee ea ea ee eee PUG Please see in-store or online at for your particular store's hours. Customer Relations: 1-866-596-RCSS (7277) £| Ly | SUPERSTORE

Latest flyers

FRUIT & VEG MEAT & SEAFOOD 1 HEALTH & BEAUTY a Et ig oe) TN te) ae SPEND & GET rey 1,5500@ i for every $15' spenton Buy any Danone’, Activia’, or Oikos’ Drink and 2 BUY 3 ORMORE $0.25’ will be donated 33 to President's Choice Children’s Charity to help feed a million kids annually children's charity — INSPIRED By — GREEK TRADITION ie ee et i Gb oor amasne TR woe i ae REAL EGGS. REAL EASY. Pee he hea Naturegg Nestlaid Omega 3 + 1 dozen 379, 4°. eee ae Sem — See ikepeteker ci) PUREE ce cm ™ 3 —— bee ea re Ean one aes Be At Ln en ne gait eeu at tan thd Classic Comfort SE optimum: now made eee eee eee ea plant-based paca ad your o dr, Pre , Cautipower Pizza selected varieties Selected’ Varieties: sz oped 10,501 Peer tgs et Your weekly offers eee) eve lect oe 200 points i= ©, 10,000®@ is $10 in FREE stuff Cre eee ee ea ea ee eee PUG Please see in-store or online at for your particular store's hours. Customer Relations: 1-866-596-RCSS (7277) £| Ly | SUPERSTORE

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