Products in this flyer
SAVE OY * on ALL “Cipriani” 20% collection tiles SAVE ae aie before tax) % on ALL 12" x 24" vinyl, oe and Porcelain tiles SAVE or more was 249 1.85 sq. ft Baal Pcs Aaa aoa MeGdstata nse Sold in 14.59 sq. ft. box 3195 26.99 oa 40 59.4 SHIPLAP WALL PANELLING NO. Black © engineered wood flooring 20” * on ALL MONARCH * on ALL mosaic tiles M2 x 54/2" x8 00176063 <$06807> Sold in pack of 4 panels 75:99 64.49 SAVE eo was 13249 $112 box comes 0 475, "SQUARE AVALON” CEILING TILES White. 1 box covers 6459 ft. 2x4, 8551006 <802291> Sold in complete boxes only Paonds-Coings Cia tere} Bacote Cermaa Crd talon Eee ‘delivery on select major appliances Minimum purchase of $695 or more (before tax). Participating stores only. *See details on SAVE Zo A.10-PACK CASING B 8-PACK BASEBOARD MOULDINGS: Primed white. MOF. 4.3/4" x 10" 00174059 <50680> 56.99 aac PAX aac Meee Soe Said SAVE 1S” on ALL sealants for kitchen and bathroom Shown: ‘A 319-ml_ 0491054 <100947> 491 B 298ml 6504501 <A91560> 14.39 SAVE Oo, * 0” on ALL PFISTER bathroom faucets on ALL KOHLER toilets —— 156305972 1655 8 56905379 <S06580> Show: ; 5. 4.8L 31535177 <a99016> 56905373 <S06254> 349-99 296.00 KOHLER 167.00 PfisTER. Ar SAVE Os * 0” on ALL ALLEN+ROTH and LANDON & CO. showers p= Shown: ‘A Door 60" 60245452 <487721> 849-99 679.00 B Base 60245462 <487753: 99 359.00 Faucot and accessories not included, SAVE os7* Le on “MPR1500" and “MPR1900" furnace filters sold individually Shown: ‘4.029020 <146884> 29-99 25.49 8 (2095240 <332619> 32:99 27.99 BK RO Ci - et ° (09656190 <4954668> 154-99 134.99 on electronic “SmartCode®” locks Shown: ‘A Satin nickel finish Filtrete | Matte leek finish (09656195 <495673> 189-99 169.99 \\ | ES Essentials at Great Prices Sin ihe ier pea ta the Spee: capi for Wali-osckuslon spenclal ovlas ar lnarancs padlocks, Coniel toe cofabiniad wiih ang aihar lier
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