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Current flyer Safeway - Valentine's Day - Valid from 09.02 to 15.02 - Page nb 4

Flyer Safeway 09.02.2023 - 15.02.2023

Products in this flyer

PUMPED UP DEALS! ge rae CERTIFIEE BS iss ce A tae Boneless Striploin Grilling Danang eed 9 pore oe dom i Pe sed PISTACHIOS ee seas Sue So a Pub ed c 7 Peas Sree Classic Classique oe tg VIB eee t his (aot Uae Wa tie] Eerie Mn Teen \__ Pawo, 7 2 ir PaiuDeiin = > Eo rene | (ge eo oy = Tropicana licen 99 DEMPSTER’S Whole Grain 2/$ PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese Bread 600 ¢ or Bagels 6 pk TROPICANA Orange Juice 27-250 g FL re 3.99 ea nL nat KELLOGG'S Rice Krispies LUCERNE Sour Cream 250 mL or 99 2/$ Treats, Pop-Tarts, Nutri-Grain Chocolate Milk 75¢ IMENTS HERSHEY'S Chipits assorted Bars or Special K Pastry Crisps Sour 125-384 g ee TIDE Laundry 1.36 L FOLGERS Coffee CHRISTIE Ritz Crackers DR. OETKER ods 15-20 pk K-Cup* Pods 30 pk 180 Giuseppe Rising UNCE Sheets Thins 1 Crust, Thin Crust 60-120 pk, Touch-ups Toppable Pizza, The Good 2 Baker or Eazy Pizzi 120 pk or DOWNY 300-785 Softener 754 mL. :.100088 (a .:. 10008 NESCAFE Instant a ry aera rere z | Pree a) TASTER’S CHOICE Instant Coffee 250 g DOLE Fruit Bowls, 299 KETTLE Chips 139? or CARNATION Hot 2/$ 7 Fruit n Gel 4 pk or 99 KRAFT 198-220 g Chocolate 1.7 kg Fruit Jars 540 mL Dips 227 g when you buy 5 Fy bd SNe ah Pe ann GaP: i i I Tasty combo 1 Now available in store! Tasty combo oe Beer and cider available at selected stores. wings and other spicy meals, See below for locations. “pricing includes taxes & refundable container deposit COORS Original CORONA Extra GUINNESS Draught 6x473 mL tall cans 6x355 mL sleek cans 500 mL tall can promo retail 16.40 \ promo retail 15.95 promo retail 3.15 PROUDLY CANADIAN @ Available at: 1015 Dawson Road, Thunder Bay « 115 West Arthur St, Thunder Bay + 417 Scott St, Fort Frances

Latest flyers

PUMPED UP DEALS! ge rae CERTIFIEE BS iss ce A tae Boneless Striploin Grilling Danang eed 9 pore oe dom i Pe sed PISTACHIOS ee seas Sue So a Pub ed c 7 Peas Sree Classic Classique oe tg VIB eee t his (aot Uae Wa tie] Eerie Mn Teen \__ Pawo, 7 2 ir PaiuDeiin = > Eo rene | (ge eo oy = Tropicana licen 99 DEMPSTER’S Whole Grain 2/$ PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese Bread 600 ¢ or Bagels 6 pk TROPICANA Orange Juice 27-250 g FL re 3.99 ea nL nat KELLOGG'S Rice Krispies LUCERNE Sour Cream 250 mL or 99 2/$ Treats, Pop-Tarts, Nutri-Grain Chocolate Milk 75¢ IMENTS HERSHEY'S Chipits assorted Bars or Special K Pastry Crisps Sour 125-384 g ee TIDE Laundry 1.36 L FOLGERS Coffee CHRISTIE Ritz Crackers DR. OETKER ods 15-20 pk K-Cup* Pods 30 pk 180 Giuseppe Rising UNCE Sheets Thins 1 Crust, Thin Crust 60-120 pk, Touch-ups Toppable Pizza, The Good 2 Baker or Eazy Pizzi 120 pk or DOWNY 300-785 Softener 754 mL. :.100088 (a .:. 10008 NESCAFE Instant a ry aera rere z | Pree a) TASTER’S CHOICE Instant Coffee 250 g DOLE Fruit Bowls, 299 KETTLE Chips 139? or CARNATION Hot 2/$ 7 Fruit n Gel 4 pk or 99 KRAFT 198-220 g Chocolate 1.7 kg Fruit Jars 540 mL Dips 227 g when you buy 5 Fy bd SNe ah Pe ann GaP: i i I Tasty combo 1 Now available in store! Tasty combo oe Beer and cider available at selected stores. wings and other spicy meals, See below for locations. “pricing includes taxes & refundable container deposit COORS Original CORONA Extra GUINNESS Draught 6x473 mL tall cans 6x355 mL sleek cans 500 mL tall can promo retail 16.40 \ promo retail 15.95 promo retail 3.15 PROUDLY CANADIAN @ Available at: 1015 Dawson Road, Thunder Bay « 115 West Arthur St, Thunder Bay + 417 Scott St, Fort Frances

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