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Current flyer Safeway - Diwali - Valid from 20.10 to 26.10 - Page nb 4

Flyer Safeway 20.10.2022 - 26.10.2022

Products in this flyer

MISTO ITALIANO product Fresh Pork Side Ribs breast bone of Italy 200 g removed, regular cut 11.00/kg ey Ae) a when you buy? 529 Kaiser Buns 6 pk 315-530 g In-Store Korean BBQ, Maple Chipotle is or BBQ Whiskey Marinade APPETITO 200g + The perfect assortment of artisanal regional salamis + Thinly Sliced + Perfect for entertaining 120 when yx boy Zor more HIGH LINER Signature Cuts Breaded or Battered Premium Fresh Beef Chuck Short Fish 425-515 g 12.99 ea Ribs thin cut, c Canada AA gr @ 7475. product of Mexico BREYERS Creamery ee VILLAGGIO Bread Style Ice Cream or $10-540g. Canadian Desserts 2/650 sists ID Nissiticccm B/S TT worn sacrcrs 4/$ 7 steinteics tat 120-167 g Tortillas 272-340 g 284 mL when you buy 3 LAY'S Potato KELLOGG'S Rice " . Chips 220-235 g Krispies Treats, DARE Bear Paws Poppables 130 g NABOB Coffee Pop-Tarts, Nutri-Grain 150-240 g. Viva Puffs or Baked 177 g or 915-930 g or D47 seior specu OD erctnenwnees LY SO serevisa, DIDS eos cirs Pastry Crisps 125-384 g 315-360 g Chips 205-300 g Coffee Pods 30 pk es “xariiigifong ARMSTRONG Cheese Slices 220-240 g or LACTANTIA Healthy Bath Tissue Attitude or Olivina 12 double or 99 Margarine 850 g or 9 HERSHEY'S DOLE Fruit Bowls, 99 8 triple rolls, Tiger PARKAY Marganine Halloween Fruit ‘n Gel 4 pk or Towel 2=5 rolls or 128-136 kg 100-125 pk Fruit Jars S40 mt Facial Tissue 6 pk YAN 1000G5="10 toward your groceries LIFE CUISINE Fit Bowls or 99 STOUFFER’S Bow! Fulls or Fit Wraps 135-340 ¢ ROYALE or Velour ‘[e|[tl= Big format F< Big value Check for this symbol in store! ¢ Creer Ty Pgs Po te] ey Pape a E> 14% 8°? SAPUTO Shredded 199? KELLOGG'S Jumbo Cheese 1 kg or FINISH Cereal 700 g-l2kg = ARMSTRONG 900g _ Dish Tabs 72-105 pk CEE EET TT ee Sena eds « ‘gue COMPLIMENTS Soft Drinks 12x355 mL, gi COMPLIMENTS Himalayan Pink Salt Popcorn NUTELLA Hazelnut PAMPERS Super Econo GATORADE Team 338 g, Sparkling Water 12x355 mL, Non-Alcoholic Spread | kg Diapers 88-174 pk Pack 24x59} mL Beer 6x355 mL or Value Size Chips 750 g | Become a Food Rescuer at home! Enjoy more taste and less waste with these inspiring ideas. ‘Scan or learn more at i i Tasty combo * Now available in store! sarong, Beer and cider available at selected stores. 2 4 favourite salad or See below for locations. grilled chicken. “pricing includes taxes & refundable container deposit y CA HEINEKEN MICHELOB Ultra MOLSON Canadian 6x500 mL tall cans \ 6x473 mL tall cans 6x473 mL tall cans promo retail 19.95 \ promo retail 16.95 promo retail 15.50 PROUDLY CANADIAN @ Available at: 1015 Dawson Road, Thunder Bay 115 West Arthur St, Thunder Bay + 417 Scott St, Fort Frances

Latest flyers

MISTO ITALIANO product Fresh Pork Side Ribs breast bone of Italy 200 g removed, regular cut 11.00/kg ey Ae) a when you buy? 529 Kaiser Buns 6 pk 315-530 g In-Store Korean BBQ, Maple Chipotle is or BBQ Whiskey Marinade APPETITO 200g + The perfect assortment of artisanal regional salamis + Thinly Sliced + Perfect for entertaining 120 when yx boy Zor more HIGH LINER Signature Cuts Breaded or Battered Premium Fresh Beef Chuck Short Fish 425-515 g 12.99 ea Ribs thin cut, c Canada AA gr @ 7475. product of Mexico BREYERS Creamery ee VILLAGGIO Bread Style Ice Cream or $10-540g. Canadian Desserts 2/650 sists ID Nissiticccm B/S TT worn sacrcrs 4/$ 7 steinteics tat 120-167 g Tortillas 272-340 g 284 mL when you buy 3 LAY'S Potato KELLOGG'S Rice " . Chips 220-235 g Krispies Treats, DARE Bear Paws Poppables 130 g NABOB Coffee Pop-Tarts, Nutri-Grain 150-240 g. Viva Puffs or Baked 177 g or 915-930 g or D47 seior specu OD erctnenwnees LY SO serevisa, DIDS eos cirs Pastry Crisps 125-384 g 315-360 g Chips 205-300 g Coffee Pods 30 pk es “xariiigifong ARMSTRONG Cheese Slices 220-240 g or LACTANTIA Healthy Bath Tissue Attitude or Olivina 12 double or 99 Margarine 850 g or 9 HERSHEY'S DOLE Fruit Bowls, 99 8 triple rolls, Tiger PARKAY Marganine Halloween Fruit ‘n Gel 4 pk or Towel 2=5 rolls or 128-136 kg 100-125 pk Fruit Jars S40 mt Facial Tissue 6 pk YAN 1000G5="10 toward your groceries LIFE CUISINE Fit Bowls or 99 STOUFFER’S Bow! Fulls or Fit Wraps 135-340 ¢ ROYALE or Velour ‘[e|[tl= Big format F< Big value Check for this symbol in store! ¢ Creer Ty Pgs Po te] ey Pape a E> 14% 8°? SAPUTO Shredded 199? KELLOGG'S Jumbo Cheese 1 kg or FINISH Cereal 700 g-l2kg = ARMSTRONG 900g _ Dish Tabs 72-105 pk CEE EET TT ee Sena eds « ‘gue COMPLIMENTS Soft Drinks 12x355 mL, gi COMPLIMENTS Himalayan Pink Salt Popcorn NUTELLA Hazelnut PAMPERS Super Econo GATORADE Team 338 g, Sparkling Water 12x355 mL, Non-Alcoholic Spread | kg Diapers 88-174 pk Pack 24x59} mL Beer 6x355 mL or Value Size Chips 750 g | Become a Food Rescuer at home! Enjoy more taste and less waste with these inspiring ideas. ‘Scan or learn more at i i Tasty combo * Now available in store! sarong, Beer and cider available at selected stores. 2 4 favourite salad or See below for locations. grilled chicken. “pricing includes taxes & refundable container deposit y CA HEINEKEN MICHELOB Ultra MOLSON Canadian 6x500 mL tall cans \ 6x473 mL tall cans 6x473 mL tall cans promo retail 19.95 \ promo retail 16.95 promo retail 15.50 PROUDLY CANADIAN @ Available at: 1015 Dawson Road, Thunder Bay 115 West Arthur St, Thunder Bay + 417 Scott St, Fort Frances

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