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Current flyer Safeway - Diwali - Valid from 20.10 to 26.10 - Page nb 5

Flyer Safeway 20.10.2022 - 26.10.2022

Products in this flyer

uappy,. | Produce. DIw ali 392 ‘ Masi Potato PRODUCT OF . oe WESTERN “ were CANADA Pumpkin Try our Butternut XN Tek ES recipe at Si om J eee , or Sa COMPANY assorted 454 g PRODUCT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Bosc Pears extra fancy 5.05/kg Sobeys Safeway ete eo when Sere 99 or more SANTOSH Naan PRODUCT OF WESTERN Celery product of 500g 3.49 ea CANADA Squash 3.73/hg. USA no I grade esa) oY ir. iscedaal ne « Apple |\ ww Serres j vv oe EX Know your Honeycrisp China 6.59/kg - mostly red with a yellow background Balanced and sweet sweet and slightly tart, tangy favour Hf «agreat choice for snacking or Honeycrisp apples Tesed imo en ooule clep 49 crisp and crunchy Bo ere recom, Honeycrisp Apples extra fancy 769/kg PRODUCT OF CANADA QD zesPor targe AY Assorted cherry Green Kiwi product of Tomatoes on the New Zealand 454 g ‘TAYLOR FARMS Chopped Salad Kits 267-377 g or EAT SMART Chopped Salad Kits product of USA 283-340 ¢ 9 Green Peppers product of USA or Mexico 6.59/kg. Vine 340 g Pirin ge~! i ie PRODUCT OF Blueberries PRODUCT T 9 viESTERN CANADA QD product of Peru or 99 AQ carson Inspired Greens Mexico no 1 grade Pomegranates ‘Bulk White or Brown Living Lettuce 510g product of USA fo Mushrooms 9.90/kg @ PW tarccs Meta tg Wed COZY HOT COCOA tior WITHOUT THE MUG PEANUT-FREE FACILITY | MADE IN CANADA 3”? D € » a © |. Cooking Sauce 400 mt or 3 Steps Meal 313-315 g selected = — . my re - NATURESOURCE Cinnamon Nut Mix may vary by store Roses 3-stem bunch STEN Pm eSscc2 ant 16 DF Tone recion 999 Ai Brushed or Dyed 7 si A 2022 WINNER OF BEST ~ Assorted Halloween BS Nelda tole teas boa ad $ 7] Halloween 99 Ceramics : Tropicals 4” with Foliage KFI Sauces 375 mL or Chutneys 455 mL selected varieties Our Gift Cards can be any amount.

Latest flyers

uappy,. | Produce. DIw ali 392 ‘ Masi Potato PRODUCT OF . oe WESTERN “ were CANADA Pumpkin Try our Butternut XN Tek ES recipe at Si om J eee , or Sa COMPANY assorted 454 g PRODUCT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Bosc Pears extra fancy 5.05/kg Sobeys Safeway ete eo when Sere 99 or more SANTOSH Naan PRODUCT OF WESTERN Celery product of 500g 3.49 ea CANADA Squash 3.73/hg. USA no I grade esa) oY ir. iscedaal ne « Apple |\ ww Serres j vv oe EX Know your Honeycrisp China 6.59/kg - mostly red with a yellow background Balanced and sweet sweet and slightly tart, tangy favour Hf «agreat choice for snacking or Honeycrisp apples Tesed imo en ooule clep 49 crisp and crunchy Bo ere recom, Honeycrisp Apples extra fancy 769/kg PRODUCT OF CANADA QD zesPor targe AY Assorted cherry Green Kiwi product of Tomatoes on the New Zealand 454 g ‘TAYLOR FARMS Chopped Salad Kits 267-377 g or EAT SMART Chopped Salad Kits product of USA 283-340 ¢ 9 Green Peppers product of USA or Mexico 6.59/kg. Vine 340 g Pirin ge~! i ie PRODUCT OF Blueberries PRODUCT T 9 viESTERN CANADA QD product of Peru or 99 AQ carson Inspired Greens Mexico no 1 grade Pomegranates ‘Bulk White or Brown Living Lettuce 510g product of USA fo Mushrooms 9.90/kg @ PW tarccs Meta tg Wed COZY HOT COCOA tior WITHOUT THE MUG PEANUT-FREE FACILITY | MADE IN CANADA 3”? D € » a © |. Cooking Sauce 400 mt or 3 Steps Meal 313-315 g selected = — . my re - NATURESOURCE Cinnamon Nut Mix may vary by store Roses 3-stem bunch STEN Pm eSscc2 ant 16 DF Tone recion 999 Ai Brushed or Dyed 7 si A 2022 WINNER OF BEST ~ Assorted Halloween BS Nelda tole teas boa ad $ 7] Halloween 99 Ceramics : Tropicals 4” with Foliage KFI Sauces 375 mL or Chutneys 455 mL selected varieties Our Gift Cards can be any amount.

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